We are starting and ending the month with a full Moon. Two full Moons in a month makes the second one a Blue Moon. We have two eclipse cycles a year. The cycle includes a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse about two weeks apart. We have a Leo Full Moon. The Sun is in Aquarius. Leo urges us to creative self expression. The Aquarius Sun wants us to understand we are all here, on earth for the express purpose of creatively expressing ourselves. Just a reminder, ALL the major planets are in forward motion til March 8 when Jupiter goes retrograde. This is RARELY the case. We have an opportunity here, with Saturn, the Time Lord, in his home sign of Capricorn, the do-er, the maker, the structurer of things and ideas, to move forward in actual real time. Sure our visions get us in the zone but with the present construct we walk out the door and truly engage and DO! Let the dreams fall off the shelf and create. This doesn’t mean we have to drop it all and go full on walkabout. It does mean give that new thing a try. Be it an interest, a job application, a new way of interacting on the interpersonal and group level. Small adventures can lead to big expansion. The adventure can begin with a new recipe, a conversation, walking a new route. Engage a bit more. See how it feels. A full Leo Moon eclipse says Create. Express the You you are most in touch with, the one that’s been gestating and murmuring and whispering and scratching at the inside of your eyes to be seen. Now now now. Look at what was going on six months ago and how things have been bubbling since then. The gates are opening for us. Move to the next pasture, the greener grass, the higher ground with the bigger perspective. Ways are being shown and opportunities are arising. And most of all, the willingness, the readiness, are being felt with more “yah this can actually happen!” feeling than has been available, by planetary support, for a while. We have eclipse cycles twice a year. This Full Moon is, in some ways, is a culmination point of what has gone on since August 7. The New Moon eclipse on Feb 15 at 27 Aquarius launches us for the next six months. Leo is our creative self expression. Heart- centered. What makes your heart swell full to bursting that needs to explode as creative expression? The Sun in Aquarius joins with its friends and compatriots to make an even bigger expression of creative community. The enlivened Women’s movement and the amazing speaking out that is happening now, and has been growing for the past year, is very Aquarian. So many people with individual voices are joining together to create movement and movements. That is the dovetailing if the individual and the collective. Venus in Aquarius asks us to relate in revolutionary ways. Revolutionary for the individual. If anger is your usual response, try speaking low. If you hang back, try leaning into your life some more. What would revolutionize your daily routine? The vision for your life? Mars in Sagittarius is willing to adventure and it is willing to learn. It also likes to have fun and run around. It lightens the some of the seriousness of the Saturn and Mercury in Capricorn. HEAR ME NOW: We are all co-creating our experience on the earth plane. And EACH ONE OF US, through our Leo energy, is ONLY responsible for our own creative flow. Aquarius makes proclamations from the collective soup, the grand idea. Leo decides what to take to heart. Be mindful, now, of what you take to heart. Does it feel good? Is it true? Does it resonate with your highest and best? Walk away from the which doesn’t resonate. Run if you must. Run into the arms of your own heart. Your higher Self will always embrace you and always has space for your own expansion and creativity. Love, Lydia [email protected]
I’ve been musing on Capricorn. We have a new Moon which means the Sun and Moon are both in Capricorn. And so are Venus, Pluto, and Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn. They are all in forward motion. No retrograde here. Capricorn energy is executive function, authority, society, rules. It is prudent, reliable, efficient. This New Moon, I’m musing on the qualities of these amazing Capricorns: David Bowie, Ellen Degeneris, Michelle Obama, MLK, … the mother and the father. The Capricorn/Cancer axis has a lot to do with parents. Ground breakers. Path makers. Ones that open the way. Powers of Example. Chameleons. Transformers. Mentors. Heroes. Capricorn is a cardinal sign and cardinal signs begin things. They are an in- breath. An inspiration. The earth sign is ruled by Saturn and Saturn rules the concept of Time. with the natural tribe to Virgo it knows how to manage its days. So for me, it brings to mind that Capricorn’s special genius is to initiate, to bring to Earth, concepts, ideas and movements whose Time has come. They step in with the message that the world is poised to hear. A prudent sense of timing is key if a groundswell is going to be gained. Capricorn says, “it is time.” Capricorn allows us to step into our own authority, to use our Voice, our wisdom and our experience. Capricorn is the adult of the zodiac. An adult is a person who fills up the skin they are in and is right-sized in their world. They are walking in a way that is authentic for them. That is being an adult. It is different for each of us. It’s not about laundry and shiny floors and retirement accounts, necessarily. Unless that makes you happy and it is easier to be flowing when the floors are clean and the clothes are clean. It is about self awareness and a unification of the body, the personality, the emotional body, the ego, and the higher self. It is a being who walks with a fluidity that is informed by the pathway of its own imagining. Being an adult is taking the spotlight on the stage of your life. It doesn’t mean we know it all — all of the time. But we are learning about our own rule book. The rule book that allows us to lead a happier life. Look at the firsts that this short list of people initiated. If they weren’t the first then they were, like MLK, the one people chose to follow when the time called him, and us, forward. Earth shattering, norm-breaking, authority cracking… Capricorns know about authority and they understand how to assert their own, individual rule. It’s awesome. It is efficient and it is prudent. The prudence comes with knowing the time and place to speak, to act. The world’s ear is then poised to listen, to hear, to act. That is prudence. It is also economy. Capricorn and its polarity Point, Cancer, understand economical use of energy. They are both Cardinal signs. From their natural square to Aries they understand trusting ones instincts and have added the ability to trust how they feel and what they have learned to know when to move. We have an opportunity, with so many planets in Capricorn at this new Moon, to turn inward. We will have an awareness of how we feel, what we know, and how we want to move. With economy of effort, with a flick of Capricorn’s powerful serpent tail — we can be propelled onward into the flow of that which we desire. Love, Lydia [email protected] MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME
First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! May you attract all that you desire and more in 2018. It seems fitting that we start the year on the Cancer/Capricorn axis. The Sun is in Capricorn and the full Moon is in Cancer. On the astrological wheel they oppose each other and we start the year somewhere on the line between the two. Cancer is the Mother, early childhood and the home of our Ego. She is watery and she is ruled by the Moon. The crab doesn’t exactly have eyes on the back of her head but they sometimes swivel. Cancer can see with an inner eye through her emotional body. She is so good at feeling her way into things she needs a hard outer shell to protect her. Both Cancer and Capricorn are cardinal signs. They are both receptive signs – as all earth and water signs are receptive. Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn. Capricorn is the executive of the zodiac: the authoritarian, the patriarch and the time lord. He gets bridges built and he likes to know it all. And he often does. When we balance these two — we have someone who knows when to act and when to rest. We have someone who knows when to speak and when to listen. We have someone who knows when to risk and when to play it safe. We have someone who knows when to go out on the field and when to stay in. It is the spectrum of mother and father. In evolutionary astrology it is the spectrum of sexuality — and each person, experiences their own wave on that spectrum. Now that Saturn started his two-year journey through his home sign of Capricorn; joining Pluto who has been there for a while, we are experiencing the structure of the patriarchy and how it’s timber’s are being shivered. Cancer is learning to be responsible for its own emotional body- remembering to avoid project on of our feelings into others. Capricorn is learning to be at home with its personal authority- to experience it and embody it. And to allow others to experience and embody their own authority. It does make life easier to release projection and attempts to power over others. We can each move in our own homely bubble and allow others to do the same. The letting go of control may feel strange at first but it becomes more freeing with practice. With the full Moon in Cancer on the in-breath of the New Year we know that the feminine is working her magic on the old structures. Our higher self knocks at the door that we are standing behind. So what door are we standing near asking the universe and our higher self to open wide into 2018? The door could be in our heart, on a glade or in our own home. It could make a fun meditation to greet the New Year. Standing ready and able to open the door to ourselves, launched into the waiting arms of the Beloved who will guide us into the new. Sometimes we can feel like visitors in our own lives. We spend so much time exploring and setting goals and intentions, we may lose sight of what makes us feel good in our own skin, in our own home, and life. Cancer rules the home and our emotional life. If we can recognize what feels good to us we can attract more of what feels good to us – be it things, friendships or experiences. In Capricorn we are the master of our domain- we make a home of our castle. So as we ponder the new year, tune into your domain – mental, emotional, physical, spiritual- and check how at home you are with each. How would you like to feel in each area? Are you at home and comfortable with some more than others? The areas of life with which you are at ease can teach the areas that you are experiencing, at the moment as, perhaps, less so, how to relax and move into the flow. The emotion can lead the intellect and ambition to what they want by feeling good about where you are right now and by feeling good in your own skin. Saturn, Venus and Pluto are all in Capricorn as we start the year. Venus is conjunct the Sun at the Full Moon. Venus in Capricorn invites us to structure a life that feels secure and comfortable, orderly and stable. A secure and stable home base is a terrific launching point for any endeavor— including a new year.The desire to build, to mature, to be in tune with fortuitous timing are all with us now. Cancer/Capricorn are cardinal signs – signs that like the initiatory impulse. They like to begin again. They relish a new year. A new chance. No surprise, then, that the new year always begins in Capricorn. Time, structure, accomplishment, authority are all Capricorn’s domain. The moon in watery Cancer will trine Mars in Scorpio so the actions we contemplate and take today are a symbol of our commitment to our own power and transformation. The full Moon will also trine Neptune in Pisces today - so the dreams wishes hopes and desires that we envision today can be on their way to clarity and embodiment. Happy 2018, Friends. May the day and year be an unfoldment if that which you truly desire. Much love, Lydia Trettis Evolutionary Astrologer [email protected] |
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