The new Moon occurs on October 27th at 7:38 PM EST at 4 degrees 25 minutes Scorpio. The preparation for change, the call for the self to relax into what is to come is great. When a woman, about to give birth, enters later stages of labor, the whole being must give over to the experience. When we give over to our Soul’s Desire to become what our blueprint has laid out for it, we can resist it, or we can breathe, squeeze a loved ones hand or paw and allow our lives to be forever changed. Scorpio wants to change. It is also afraid of change. It wants to be all powerful, and it wants to give over to the All Powerful. The water sign feels deeply and it wants those feelings to mean something, and it wants the feelings to bear fruit. Scorpio is a fixed sign. Once a fixed sign has screwed up its courage and decided on embarking on that next transformative adventure, there is no turning back. Pushing off with its mighty talons, the eagle aspect of Scorpio takes to the air. Aloft, it can get the bigger picture. It can see the forest and the trees. It can see where its hunting ground is fertile and where it is dry and unyielding. When we embark on a transformational journey and, if we are keeping all of our eyes open (both inner and physical), every journey can be transformational, we get more information and more experience. These learnings the aid further expansion. Some of the learning can be uploaded, intellectually, before we even push off. We can watch endless YouTube videos on the subject. We can ask friends and advisors, we can consult innumerable self help books. They will help us to orient to what we may expect. But as our individual curriculum on this life walk us tailor-made, just for us, we can only really allow and integrate transformation by experience. So we get stuck in. We meet people. We go on an actual date. We write an actual term paper. We look up from the cookery program and make the meal and eat it. Fixed signs are not just theoretical. They get involved on all levels. The emotional, spiritual and physical can be left behind with the mere ideation. This new Moon is in opposition to retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Where Scorpio knows how to ask for help on its Project and look near and far for active solutions, polar opposite Taurus hunkers down in the bunker and gathers its own resources. With Uranus in Taurus, our soul memory, the one we carry lifetime after lifetime, is felt in our bones and aids in our very survival. This is a resource that is more available than ever as it is retrograde. We can discover pieces that may have been lost to us that can help us in the here and now. It is said that the veil between the worlds is thinnest during Scorpio time. If you were so inclined, a round table meeting of our present, former, and perhaps, even future selves can be called. In meditation, we can ask the wisdom of all that we are, have been, and ever will be to gather together and offer memories, prophecies, advice and visions. We can use our favorite occult tools to aid us in seeing. Tarot cards, crystal balls, a favorite tree. A memory of a visit to a sacred site – imagining yourself sitting there, your back against a standing stone or a beach chair, can summon up the Wisdom of your own ages to aid, advise and assist. Mercury in Scorpio will go retrograde on October 31 at 28 degrees Scorpio journeying back to 12 Scorpio when it resumes forward motion on 20 November. The Sun is in Scorpio, as is Mercury for that entire retrograde cycle. A commitment to daily or weekly meetings, in meditation with your Universal Selves during this period could widen the knowledge of self and gain many tools of confidence and wisdom for the way forward. Scorpio rules shared resources. A sharing experience with all that we are, have been, and will be, can be a wonderful way to allow in the energies of the Mercury in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus retrograde. We can follow the breadcrumbs we, ourselves, have left and visit the house In the wood of our hearts that we, ourselves, built. The witch who resides there is our own teacher and guide. The fear that she will eat us, or even more scary, reveal to us the Truth if our being, can be diminished by the accompaniment of the light of our own Faith and Desire to commit to revelation our meditations will bring. The Scorpio archetype deals with lessons of Trust. In this new Moon cycle, we are focusing on the trust we build in ourselves via our own investigations and experiences. When we continue to build faith and trust in our own Higher Selves, we are more courageous in all aspects of our lives, because we are more self-reliant. We know that the Universal Force with which we have developed a constancy, is holding our hand every step of the way — it is the same Guiding Force when we meditate as when we mediate in the boardroom at work, or socialize with a new group, or go on a first date. Scorpio has its three aspects, the armored, defensive scorpion, the all-seeing Eagle, and the death-defying Phoenix, reborn of the flame of Transformation. I’ve capitalized lots of words so they will light up the subconscious and works as lamplights during the potentially life- changing adventure that is this Scorpio time m. We must but Embark. All that is needed is a loose ideation of what it is we want. And then we get on the Soul Road. Happy Trails and Happy Halloween. Lydia💜🌑💜 [email protected]
Who am I when I put the sword down? The Moon in Aries is full on October 15 2019 at 5:08 PM EST. The Sun in Libra is engaging with others to gain insight into the self –what it is and is not; what it does and does not want to be. The full Moon in Aries experiences itself through instinctual experience of its emotional body. The emotions are raw and fiery and are not checked or inhibited by the mind. It’s definitely a good time to look both ways before crossing the road. Twice. The other day, Mars, ruler of Aries, currently in Libra, was in opposition to Chiron in Aries. Chiron is the wounded healer. It is a trigger point, in Aries, for old wounds. In opposition to Mars, enflamed old wounds can turn hair trigger. We are still in orb of this opposition at the full Moon. It’s a good time to take en extra breathe right down to the toes to remain grounded and all in one piece when engaging with others. We all get triggered by different key words or behaviors or memories and it can be like walking on egg shells… or a mine field. Retreating to one’s own corner or one’s own glorious garden, scenic outlook, or favorite comfort tv show are a great way to deflect at this time. A brisk walk, swim, batting cage or other such full-body engagement is recommended. Mercury and Venus have both moved into Scorpio. Pluto, now direct at 21 Capricorn and squaring the Moon and Sun, is the ruler of Scorpio. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, again, ruler of this full Moon. Scorpio can be skittish, but in the end it wants to transform. It is willing to dive into the fire of its own shortcomings to be reborn as the next iteration, a higher octave of itself. If the full Moon hard-charging Aries can be reined in by its wiser advisor — Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, there is a way to put the emotional instinct to use. This means getting out ahead of our triggers - by meditating, practicing mindfulness, wearing ourselves out with exercise before we engage with people or a world full of triggers. If restraint and consideration seem impossible, walk another lap around the block at speed. Jupiter in Sagittarius is making a fiery trine to this full Moon. Jupiter, though kindly, often fuels any fire it comes across. So, please read the above paragraphs about meditation, mindfulness and vigorous exercise again. It is a time to remember that we are all swimming in the same pond. It is a time to remember that we all have triggers and are at various stages of healing, ignoring, or being completely unconscious of those triggers. Treading lightly with our own emotional bodies and those of others is the way through. If there is kindness to self and others that can be conjured, lay it on. If at a loss in a tricky situation, this full Moon in Aries, vote with your feet and walk in the other direction. It can save sore heads and hearts. The fire of the full Moon can be used to create beautiful chili or to knit a fuzzy rug to curl up in. Using the inner fire to heal and intuit what comes next for us is possible and recommended. 💗 Lots of love, 🐏 Lydia [email protected] |
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