The November 2022 new Moon is on 23 November 5:57 PM EST at 01 degree 37 minutes Sagittarius. Venus an Mercury are widely conjunct the new Moon at 09 and 10 degrees Sag respectively. What we love and value - and what we think - will be greatly affecting our intuition and larger belief systems this new Moon. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. New Moons are a letting go to make way for new beginnings or more often a rekindling or reigniting. In Sagittarius, the fire of freedom is a real focus. Is what we are doing enhancing the experience of personal freedom to believe and act in keeping with our own value system, ideals an intuitive urging? Sagittarius is linked with natural law. Natural law is a river flowing as it sees fit and nurturing the environment and all of the lives in that environment as it goes along. A dam interferes with natural law. The water is not allowed to flow as it sees fit. It is not free to nurture the landscape and its creatures as it goes. It has been corralled to serve the convenience of men. The heart and mind of the individual can be rounded up by governments, families, schools, and corporations in a similar way. Sagittarius reminds the individual that the water (as blood) running through its veins yearns for liberation and the natural flow of life. Have a look at your own natal chart and see which house Sagittarius inhabits. See where Jupiter lives by birth and by transit in your chart. Have a look at the aspects being made to Sag and Jupiter in the chart to see where the urge for freedom, fun and the guidance of natural law are playing out in your chart. Jupiter is at 28 degrees of Pisces on the new Moon – stationing before it resumes forward motion on 24 November. Jupiter is completing a 12 year cycle and a new one will start in Aries on the Solstice – 21 December. So we have a once in 12 years opportunity over the next month to go within, look at what parts of us have been locked away, indoctrinated, and institutionalized (all Pisces things). Where can we sit with those parts of ourselves that have been marginalized, vilified, and ignored. Can we sit in love with those locked away bits and give them some love – a kind word, understanding, and inclusion? How do we bring a stray cat out of a dark and damp corner? How do we entice the hidden bits of our natural selves to come sit in the couch – ratty hair and all? Mars is widely opposing the Sun moon Mercury and Venus. It is retrograde at 21 degrees Gemini. Gemini is the natural polarity to Sagittarius. Mars is making a mutable square to Neptune and Jupiter. We are able to make a kinesthetic – Gemini rules the nervous system – connection to our dreams hopes, wishes, and desires with the optimism of which o of those dreams might actually makes us happy and which ones could really just bog us down. A new Moon is always a good time to stop! And look within. Check in with the heart, mind and body to see if the way we are spending our precious time is in keeping with our personal values, beliefs and internal natural law. What part is being dammed up and restrained? Are we internally running around in circles while we sit quietly in a chair tap tapping at the keyboard to pay the bills? Jump up! Run around! Hippity hop! Take a day off! Buy something pretty! Do what you love! What makes the heart swell like a wave before a storm? What makes the heart constrict and shrink into a wizened grape? Tap into what is really going on inside. Do something fun! Do what you want! Enjoy! The Taurus in me says Safety first! But still! Buy that thing. Do that hobby. Eat that favorite biscuit. Laugh really loudly at that guilty pleasure TV show. Jupiter is EXPANSION. Where have we made ourselves small to keep the job? To keep the peace? Our personal natural design is just right if all of the colors in our painting haven’t been allowed to fill in because we think “orange just looks weird there.” Allow the orange to be filled in! Finish the picture. When we step back we may just see that that bright spot illuminates the whole painting. That piece of ourselves that we may have deemed unpalatable to others and to ourselves may be JUST WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS RIGHT NOW! It more importantly may be just what you need right now. Bring the self into the light. Include the outlying bits of the personality, the intellect, the belief system, the physical body, into the light of the Self. Breathe into the whole of you. Breathe out the judgement. Break down the dam and flow. Lots of love, Lydia #womenlifefreedom
The full Moon eclipse occurs on 8 November at 16 degrees Taurus. It is exactly conjunct Uranus. Um. Yikes. The North Node is just a touch off the conjunction at 13 degrees Taurus. Close enough. Uranus is the revolutionary. It is technology. It is genius flashing out of the ether into the human mind and nervous system. In Taurus, Uranus is shaking our personal tree to see what we stand for and what needs to be shaken loose and released. What do we value enough to dig our roots in and stand tall for? It also helps us to raise our personal vibration up and out of the mire that is much of current earthly existence. Uranus works from a place of detachment. More benefit can often be given when rising above and radiating the energy of the best for all. It is free and can be done at any time by anyone with the consciousness and willingness to do so. The Sun in Scorpio is cuddled up to by Mercury and Venus on either side. The South Node is not too far off. Scorpio and Taurus are two fixed powerhouses. Forceful and often unmovable. What we decide to do think and feel at this time can be done with conviction. In other news, Jupiter is now retrograde in late degrees of Pisces for a short spell – until 24 November. If there is some internal expansion that needs final touches now would be the time… the weathervane atop the house in one’s dreams, the visualization that starts to feel more and more real. Jupiter will start a new 12-year cycle in Aries on the Solstice – December 21. Mars, who is spending an exceptionally long time in one sign — Gemini – is now retrograde until 12 January 2023. Gemini is a mutable air sign. How we think about certain things we may have held as personal truths are up for reexamination depending on what house Mars is inhabiting in your chart. We have some time to connect dots and have a look at what ideas and mental methods we’ve collected are useful and contribute to an enhanced life experience and which ones can be cast into the winds. Mars will remain in Gemini until 26 March 2023. Mars is important always, as it’s what drives our human vehicle around in the physical body on the earth plane. Mars is to be attended to now, at this Full Moon Eclipse, as it is the lower octave of Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler. Pluto invites and evolves the transformational journey of the soul. Mars in Gemini retrograde holds the ideas, thoughts, agendas and common beliefs that can be organized to move our souls evolution along. If we let go of thoughts that no longer serve at this time, the entity is freed up to adopt new practices and thoughts that help us, that nourish us, that allow us to walk more into the life we really do want. We move next into the Sun in Sagittarius time on Nov. 23 when our day to day thoughts become even more inspired by our deeper beliefs and intuition. As Jupiter rules Sagittarius, this time is in preparation of how we unfold in the days and weeks leading up to the solstice. Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, is conjunct the Scorpio Sun at the full moon adding the impact of personal truth, revelation, empowerment and transformation through the right use, personally, of the information and the mind. Feeling jangled? Think better thoughts. 😊 Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury so being mindful of the thoughts we think and the words we speak can truly shift the course of our lives. The power of the thought and word at this time is key to transformation, evolution and having a valuable life. The Taurus Full Moon can guide each person to connect with what ideas, plans, visions, actions and relationships make us feel good. What do we truly value most? This is not what we have been told to value but what we truly value in the quiet privacy of our own heart and mind. What makes us feel safe and at home? Adventure is more easily undertaken when we know what home base of the heart feels like. Feel into the love of self now. Love, Lydia [email protected] |
January 2025
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