Sometimes we will have a new or full moon in the same sign when the first one is very early in the sign and the other very late. We had the first Cancer new Moon on June 20th at 0 degrees. This second Cancer new moon, is at 28 degrees Cancer on July 20th at 1:32 PM EMT. Very shortly after that, the Sun will move into Leo. Th water of Cancer and the fire of Leo make for a steamy new Moon. It’s great to imagine the evaporation, with the steam, of old emotional habits and sticky entanglements. This new Moon has an element of a deep steam clean. We’ve done so much emotional work through this last cycle of eclipses and two Cancer new Moons sandwiching the Capricorn full Moon. It’s time to let the old resentments, reactions and hurts float away and to allow the creative freedom to flow in. The release of emotions that no longer serve us welcomes in the desire to creatively self express that comes with Leo. We have the Sun/Moon opposition to Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn. Cancer is learning how to be guided by its emotional body, but not to be overwhelmed by its emotional body. The polarity to Saturn- ruled Capricorn- asks us to be guided by our emotions to greater strength, better boundaries, new ways of working, and an increased willingness to step into our own personal authority. Cancer is where we “come from,” our family of origin and our home of homes in our hearts and souls. Capricorn is who we are, as adults on the stage of the world. How do we make our mark? What makes us an authority, an experienced person in our field(s)? Who do we look to as mentors and guides? How do we mentor and guide others without falling into the trap of gurudom or despotism? How do we examine the structure of authority in the world around us — be it at the family dinner table or on the corporate or political stage — and determine where we can take responsibility. Where can we take responsibility for our own reactions, our own fears (Capricorn rules fear), our own apathy, frustration, or our own willingness to embody what we feel is right? Cancer is very much in the realm of the self. The evolution of the soul is guided by the moon, and by the emotions. The soul wants to individuate and embody an ever greater sense of personal authority. Some of us may be scanning the horizon for the grown up who is going to take the current global situation in hand and offer guidance, hold our hands and offer reassuring words and magical, normalizing solutions. Then I, for one, remember, No one is swooping in to say they will fix it for all of us. Don’t worry, this is all just a dream. On one level all of the life experience can be construed a dream. Dreaming, with Pisces retrograde in Pisces, is appropriate on the visioning a new world level. On the wake up level, we are being given an opportunity. As no one is rescuing us damsels from the tower, we all need to contribute ways through and into a new way of being. We each have abilities, experience, knowledge, and awarenesses that can contribute to ways through our current situation. This is where the Moon zipping right into Leo, with the Sun following on 22 July comes in. Creative self-expression is Leo’s milieu. When we meditate, write, and brainstorm, we open ourselves to ways forward and through, the ideas do come. And as I’ll address at the next full Moon - Aquarius’ polarity to Leo asks us to come up with creative ways to go onward that will benefit the good of the whole. So, at this new Moon in Cancer, we can breathe, relax, dip a toe in some water and gaze deeply into our inner pool. We can ask our inner self, our higher self, not just who do I want to be, but how do I want to be? How do I want to embody my suited and booted grown up self (yes I know, we are all still in our jim jams or bathing suits – but you know ). How do I want to feel as I navigate this earth plane as a fully- fledged adult embodying my ever-evolving authority and my ever more rich and safely held emotional body? What step can I take today to be the embodiment of my richest (I’m not necessarily talking money here) self? My most relaxed self, my most at ease self? My most in tune self? Coming from an awareness of these feelings will net coherent results. We can walk forward as an integrated person, where no piece of the puzzle is left behind or lost or unincorporated. It’s time to coalesce. It is time to assume the identity that we have been tailor making for ourselves in this life and perhaps have been building over multiple life times. Now is the time and we are the ones. We chose to embody at this time so we are the ones to acknowledge our personal presence and that of our fellow travelers. You may have noticed that some of our beloved fellow travelers are continuing their evolution from the other side of the veil. They are no less with us, though we may sorely miss their physical presence. I will choose to admit that I may not be fully cooked. I am aiming to be fully present. I am going to commit to the structure that my life is becoming that will enable me to share what I’ve learned, how I’ve felt, and what I’ve done so that I can continue to contribute to the puzzle we are all filling in together. Much love Lydia [email protected]
Pick your battles The Full Moon Eclipse is at 13degrees Capricorn at 12:44 AM EST on 5 July, 2020. Jupiter and Pluto are conjunct at 23 degrees Capricorn. Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, is their neighbor at 29 degrees Capricorn. The lineup opposes the Sun at 13 degrees Cancer. In Evolutionary Astrology we use wide orbs. Uranus at 10 degrees Taurus is trining the Capricorn planets and sextiling the Moon and Mercury, who is retrograde at 7 Cancer. Mercury resumes forward motion on 12 July. Mars at 4 degrees Aries is making a Cardinal square to the Sun, Moon and Mercury. We are. Ring asked to begin and begin again. Cardinal energy has a two steps forward, one step back dance. We begin, we review, we readjust, and we resume forward motion. We stop along the trail, adjust the backpack, jettison what we don’t need after all, on this journey, and get moving again. Full moons bring things to fruition. This one is also the last in a three-eclipse cycle that will affect at least the next six months. The signature of Cancer is management of the emotional body. Typically it is the personal emotional body for which we become increasingly more responsible, or the pain caused by not taking responsibility increases. The hermit crab, when the old house on its back begins to chafe, migrates to a new, better fitting house. We can shed emotional patterns that have begun to chafe at this time. Maybe they’ve been chafing so much, for so long, we have some scars. This makes it even a better time to move to emotional practices that work better for us. Capricorn gives us the lesson of responsibility. In Capricorn we realized the limits of our personal authority and we may want to empower ourselves to increase our personal authority. Is this starting to sound like a current theme on the inner and the outer? Typically, the Capricorn/Cancer axis represents the father/mother energy. There comes a time in the individuation process, that we can no longer simply look to our parental figures - government, corporations, schools, actual parents for how to navigate our lives - for how to behave. We must become the adult and bewill empower the individual and the collective. With Pluto and Jupiter involved, especially, the intention is to expand our power and to take ownership of that increased power — like getting a superhero suit and experimenting with all of the cool stuff it allows us to demonstrate in the world. Getting familiar with our own, bespoke superhero suits would be a fun exercise this full Moon. We embodied this time to build and wear these suits that allow us to embody our own, personalized abilities, strengths and gifts. This suit puts all of them in a package together to be utilized for the greatest evolution and service to the self and to the whole. When we start to fully embody the truth of who we are, we may find some surprise features - strengthens and abilities that we didn’t even know we had. These are a by-product, a bonus, that comes with the steps toward engagement and empowerment. When we move into the fullness of life on all levels, life will move more and more in harmony with us. May this full Moon continue to reveal the truth of who we are, the empowerment of the fullness of our being – on the individual and the collective level — for the good of all. Love, Lydia [email protected] |
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