The new Moon takes place at 3 degrees 23 minutes Taurus at 10:26 PM EST on April 22 - Earth Day and this astrologer’s Solar Return. For many, the New Moon will already be on 23 April. Taurus’s primary need is for safety and security. It knows how to hunker down and enjoy it’s own patch of couch and Sunshine and apple tree. We have The Sun moving toward a conjunction with Uranus on this New Moon. Taurus likes routine, safety and security. Uranus likes to shake our tree and remind us that safety and security are one thing, and torpor is another. We are being asked to look at how we live on the earth in new ways and join with our individual higher minds, and the higher minds of our fellow humans and unseen realms to steady ourselves; to calm our hearts and minds and become more engaged consciously with each moment. In the quiet, the genius higher mind that is with us always, is able to be heard. The Taurus Sun/ Uranus conjunction gives an opportunity to ground our connection with the higher mind, the human mind and the Earth. Being quiet for a while, upon awakening, sipping tea or coffee, looking out the window, writing in the journal, cleaning up the last of last night’s dishes, we will get answers to our questions to help to navigate daily life. When we follow the guidance of the part of ourselves that can see further down the road, we are rewarded by a smoother flow in the life. At this new Moon, we also have Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn with Saturn close by in Aquarius. Pluto and Jupiter together are showing us, in an exaggerated way, where the cracks are in the system, what works and what doesn’t. What needs to be transformed is revealed in ever greater relief. The transformation begins with a vision, a desire, and focus on the good. Now that Saturn has moved, for a while, into Aquarius, we are getting hints of how we can move forward in ways that are better for individuals and the whole. With the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction— The old guard – Capricorn - is putting up a fight in an exaggerated and sometimes dishonest way (part of Jupiter’s M. O. ) and Saturn in Aquarius, ruler of Capricorn- is going to strongly encourage us to find new structures. We are aided by the individual and group vision and desire for that which is happier, healthier, and more satisfying. The focus must be on the evolution of the Good in our hearts, minds and home World. At this New Moon, with Uranus Sun Moon and Mercury all clustered together, the time is ideal for the human mind to make a lasting connection with the Higher Self. With all of the Capricorn energy, discipline can be called in. When we start to fret, worry, complain, get fearful, start to freak out, we can use Taurus to make a new habit. Mercury moves into Taurus on 28 May, so loving communications on all levels is called for: thoughts, words, writing, self-talk and interaction with others. The steps we make on the Earth are a communication, to our home planet, so walking meditation can be helpful at this time. It will help ground, connect and to release excess energy and emotion. When fretting begins, redirect the thoughts and energy to to strengthen the connection with the Higher Self, the Higher Mind that is with us always, offering help, guidance, solace and silence. We can turn the mind to prayer/love/light/good vibes for others, sending hopeful healing thoughts to individuals, families, organizations, and institutions. This is how we walk the talk of Love and Light and Healing thoughts. 😊 We actually send them, as a big beam of light, to whatever entity comes to mind. We can replace the worried thoughts as soon as we catch ourselves and reform them into a ball of love and send that ball of love to whatever comes to mind first. You can’t run out of it and the more of it you send the more of it there is. We are not powerless here. We can choose the thought that helps and heals every time if we get in the habit of doing it. Like attracts like so having a habit of thoughts that feel good will lift the spirits and the immune system. If finding a more easeful thought is too much, then be mindful and grateful in the moment. Thank you for this warm running water! Thank you for this egg! Thank you for this bloom on the plant I put in the ground last summer with no idea what it would become! Thank you for the sun coming up and the squirrels entertaining me in the garden. Like attracts like. Be what you want to be, and think how you want to feel! Taurus loves habits so we can makes new grooves in our structure for habits that are useful and that make us feel better. The Higher Self is a part of us, so can be addressed as a constant companion. You can ask it it’s name or give it a name to encourage conversation. Have a chat as to a best friend who is always willing to sit, listen and when best for you, to advise. This is the best way to value the self and value the Earth and all of its inhabitants, seen and unseen. Much love to you all on this Earth Day. Remember, every day is Earth Day. 🌏💚🌍💚🌎💚 Lydia www.soulastro.com [email protected]
This Sun is currently in Aries, so our full Moon on 7 April at 10:35 PM EST is at 18 degrees Libra. The polarity between Aries and Libra is a Cardinal trajectory. These two signs are beginners of things. Fiery Aries Sun, ruled by Mars, uses instinct to drive its way through situations. It is ruled by the head, and it butts it’s way, trusting it will make its way to the horn of the issue. Once there, it may sniff the air, crop the grass, and reassess what it has done so far. Libra, an air sign, of the mind, is making its first forays into relationship. It is using relationship for reference and observation of others – to discern what it is itself, what it is not; what it does and does not want to become or experience itself. Libra also will look for what it does not have in its own toolkit. It will observe who might have what it wants and make an alliance in order to procure it. With a Libra full Moon, we may be looking outside of ourselves for emotional shoring up, support and reassurance we aren’t, at the moment, able to supply to ourselves. We are experiencing and evolving new ways of being on our own, and new ways of being with others. With the natural square of Aries and Libra to Cancer and Capricorn, ruled by the Moon and Saturn, respectively, we may be looking to shore up an area of the emotional body that has been historically weak, wounded, and perhaps affected by the authority/oppression by others. At times of significant change and realignment like the ones we are now experiencing, attention to how we care for our emotional body is of primary importance. All evolution starts with the moon, with the emotional body. Attending now to how our instincts are guiding us, and how our searching for emotional succor is leading us, will guide us to ways to comfort and heal and rebuild our system on firmer and firmer ground. The Full Moon/Sun are square to Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. The Pluto and Jupiter conjunction is in Capricorn. We experience expansion and contraction. We experience an enormous sea change in power, law and societal structure. Even the societal structure of the home is restructured, reconsidered. Our path to internal empowerment is being catalyzed from a place of external confinement. Saturn and Mars are now in Aquarius. Aquarius holds the internet, the group mind. The ways we find to serve with our inspired ideas and physical energy, not just ourselves, but the greater whole, can enlighten whole societies. My local community gardens usually grow food for and with our local Senior citizens. Now, the seniors are at home. The community gardeners are phoning the seniors, emailing them in their isolation, to offer comfort and to see what they might need. That is adaptation. That is evolution. That is service. The square of all four planets to the full Libra Moon rubs us from the inside like the follicle and the egg, causing internal stirring, fertilization, awakening, transformation/evolution. This conjunction of Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn will be in orb for a good part of the year as we participate in a naturally ordained shut down of outmoded systems. The earth is taking a rest, giving the ground and air and water something more streamlined, efficient and sustainable. That said, Saturn has, for now, moved into Aquarius where we are making new ways of being. The structures of society are for the common good. The commitment confinement and physical distance is for the good of people we may never meet or know. By confining ourselves to our homes, we could save their lives. With Aquarius we are thinking of the greater good. In our isolation we are feeling the greater connection we have to all that is. It is a good time to meditate alone but also to join group meditations online or just through the desire to connect. We see the bigger picture of natural law and man made authority with Saturn in Aquarius. I might see some of the unfolding picture, and another sees another piece of the puzzle and when we join together the jigsaw puzzle pieces fall into place. We start to see the beautiful picture coming more clearly. Saturn will begin a retrograde cycle on May 11 at 1 degree 57 minutes Aquarius and will resume forward motion on September 29 at 25 degrees The hallway can be drafty, this place in between. We can prepare our own elemental systems at this time: our bodies, minds, and homes. Maybe the store shelf doesn’t have that comfort food, so we borrow it from a neighbor, or we learn to make a healthier version or we make something entirely new. As we are more insulated from the outside, the structure of our days leading inward, Inspiration has a way in to our minds, hearts and voices. We can practice acting on the intuition we innately have which now is increasing. Aries Sun lives by its instincts. The full Libra Moon learns and assimilates ways of being from observation. We are learning from our feelings, from our experience and from seeing how others are responding to their experiences and emotions. We are in this life experience together. We are in it in isolation and we’re sharing it with the world. Stay in touch. Love, Lydia www.soulastro.com [email protected] |
February 2024
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