The full moon in transformational and powerful Scorpio brings us the opportunity for even deeper and more profound transformation than usual.
The many planets in retrograde motion: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto help us to see what we've missed. They help us to reframe, rework and reimagine many areas of our Lives. At the time of the Full moon, the Sun is in the Venus-ruled, fixed, earth sign of Taurus. In Evolutionary Astrology, Taurus is known, among other things, for being like a frog in a well- only identifying as real the sky it sees from its spot in the well. It doesn't always see the whole picture. It is learning to rely on its own resources and that is a lesson that is useful for all to know. But it sometimes it is so focused on learning to provide for itself it may forget to look up and notice some kind person has actually put a sandwich on the table for them. With the polarity to watery, fixed Scorpio, we are learning that many hands can make light work. We are learning to make use of shared resources. In the case of this full Moon, some of the shared resources are all of these retrograde planets. They are asking us to look at where we've expanded and where we have contracted; where we may have gone a bit too far and where we have further still to go. We may need to file things down further to get a smoother curve. We may need to revisit our feelings around an experience to see how we really felt about it so we can move on. As Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs, once they get moving and changing and becoming, the force is unwavering in its power and determination. One of the biggest questions people ask about retrogrades is "When will it be over?" That's like wishing ones life experience away instead of living it, using it, enjoying it, finding growth in it! Retrograde times are useful. They help us find the lost key, the one without which we can't open the gate to the Kingdom, or the Heart, or the Idea that leads us to the whole Point of the journey. So, open up and open in. Let memory and revision be as meaningful as planning and unseen vistas. They are all a part of the life we are creating, the evolution of the Soul, personality and experience. Lots of love, Lydia Certified Evolutionary Astrologer [email protected]
This week's new Moon in Aries is the first new Moon of the astrological year. We have a new emotional beginning. We have the opportunity to breathe in anew the vital fire that fuels our very life force.
With Aries, Instinct is the fuel for that fire. With the current Jupiter and Saturn retrograde in mutable signs, we may have been feeling like we are shape shifting - experiencing a transformation right down to the cellular level. This makes it a perfect time to let our instinct and our collected wisdom guide us as we get up and fired up to start again. One could imagine a resting point in a long quest. The journeying soul has made it up through the mountain pass and is now regrouping before carrying on- reviewing maps, checking food stores and the weather, rebinding blistered toes and repairing rucksacks. When we pick up our packs to carry on we just KNOW when to go. The seed instinctually knows how to become a shoot. A ewe knows when to birth her young. Mars, the ruler of Aries will also start retrograde motion in Sagittarius and back into Scorpio on April 17 with Pluto turning retrograde in Capricorn the next day. How do we use the Cardinal initiatory energy of Aries with all of the retrograde motion? Well, as we revisit, review our projects, we are starting from some kind of spark. We realign with our visions and refine them. What we want changes in little and big ways as we journey forward. As Saturn is retrograde, we may go back and renew the feeling of inner authority that gives us the courage to attract that which we desire. Saturn rules time and structure. Jupiter in retrograde motion in Virgo allows for an inner, refined expansion that leads to expansion on the outer. Mars retrograde helps us to remember the animal nature we all possess within us - the wild, the wise, the spark. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn calls us inward to transformation. We are called by the soul's voice that only each one of us can hear and answer. We are realigning with our personal authority and responsibility and recommitting to the structures in our lives that support us best in each of our soul's growth. All else moves outward from that point. As humans, we continue to learn the balance of our inner and outer lives. We rest and meditate and listen to our higher selves. We tune in to the crackle of the fire, the wind through the rushes, the meow of the cat, so that we know when to go, when to start, when to say and when to stay. Much love, Lydia [email protected] Lydia Trettis Certified Evolutionary Astrologer |
January 2025
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