19 August 2:26 PM EST 27 degrees 15 minutes Aquarius The Leo/Aquarius axis is one of creativity and community. In Leo, we express ourselves, for ourselves. In Aquarius, we take that unique expression and find how our sharing it with the group can the whole. Ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, currently in Taurus, is squaring the full Moon and squaring the Sun and retrograde Mercury in Leo. Uranus rules the higher mind and is beyond predictability. World events may unfold in ways we did not expect. On your own patch, see where your mind – Uranus and Mercury – can sync up with your Heart. Where are you allowing outer forces and opinions to lead you when your heart is beating ever louder and faster to take you on your own correct path. Leo is of the heart and creative self expression. Use the creative force that runs through you to help show the way. This full Moon ground yourself and gain connection to the higher self and higher wisdom available through Aquarius through dance, song, drawing, cooking – whatever feels right. Leo is fire and Aquarius is air. Air feeds fire. Breathe in and out and blow on your inner flame. What can you create to enliven and awaken yourself? This action will ripple out to others to help enliven and awaken them. We have a mutable t-square with Jupiter and Mars conjunct in Gemini squaring Venus in Virgo and squaring retrograde Saturn in Pisces. Venus opposes Saturn. The empty leg of the t square is Sagittarius, which is the leader of Truth, Lies, and blowing things beyond normal proportions so we can really get an eye on them. Mutable signs go with the flow. The Flow can absolutely change a landscape, a situation, in minutes if it is strong enough. The retrograde Saturn in Pisces might like to wash old structures away so we can build from the ground up. The ground might not be where we last saw it when the waters recede. Pluto is retrograde at the critical 00 degree of Aquarius, ready to make its final run through Capricorn from 2 September to 20 November before it returns to Aquarius for around 20 years. Pluto transforms. Jupiter conjunct Mars in Gemini wants more info. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and likes to make sense of all that info, trusting ito bring some kind of truth. Venus wants to use its value system to make sense of the world. In Virgo opposing retrograde Saturn in Pisces, Venus will cut the crap and the remove illusion and delusion to expose the bare bones of the truth. Was the structure of the situation built on solid foundation or was it built on sand. We’re likely to be finding out – if we haven’t already – by doing our own investigation and study. The time is right to run things through your own BS detector, to let go of convenient truths that have been filling out your empty leg of the t- square to make things that are almost good enough acceptable to you. It's like putting a matchbook under the table leg at the bar so it doesn’t wobble (Saturn retrograde in Pisces) It’s okay for an hour or two when the party isyou’re drunk and distracted - hearing a lot of different boasts from your mates (Jupiter/Mars in Gemini). It is not a suitable or long-term solution you’d put up with at home (Venus – your own value system). So, in the clear lightly of day, or under the light of an Aquarius full Moon, you may see the drunken bluster spewed around the table with the wobbly leg for what it was – mostly nonsense. And in a flash of Aquarius lightning, truths are shown in sometimes shocking relief.. We now must create (Leo) a new way of being, a new set of beliefs, and a way to find our way in a world whose landscape has been forever changed. forever changed. Feel the earth under your feet. Put your hand on your heart - which invites the higher mind to beat along with it. Then you will Know. 💗🦁💗⚡️💗✨💗 GEMINI NEW MOON 2024
New Gemini Moon 6 June 2024 8:37 AM EST 16degrees Gemini The New Moon in Mercury-ruled Gemini is conjunct Venus. The mind and the heart can sync up to beautify your valuable life on all levels. Love starts from within and it can start with purification of the mind and the nervous system through the simple act of breathing. I got a picture of the two Gemini birds. One stays home… the inner, more hidden self. The other flies out into the world gathering bits and pieces lifted into the air: information, gossip, the initial breath of an idea, and brings it all home to the nest. What have you gathered? What do you feel in the air? Gemini rules the nervous system. It also rules the lungs and throat. What are you feeling in the air? How clear is your breathing? Is there something that needs to be expelled? Something that needs to be said. It is interesting that breathing is the best way to relax the nervous system. Both Gemini-ruled. Now that Jupiter is in Gemini? It is time to expand the lungs, to breathe deeply and to breathe out more than ever before. What bits of information, ideas, thoughts are lingering in the depths of the lungs that need to be released, as they are no longer yours and maybe they never were? Focus on the breath. Allow the lungs to do what they were made to do. To breathe. Allow the mind and nervous system to relax. Let all of that information settle like sediment in a pool. How is your filter? What purity of thought and information gathering is part of your daily routine? We can care for the lungs with exercise and a good air purifier. We can attend to the ideas we breathe into our lungs, our mind, our nervous system, with intent, as well. Get keyed into what makes the nervous system feel good, interested, enlivened, or soothed? What jangles and rattles for no good purpose? Saturn is in Pisces is square to the new Moon. Gemini and Pisces are mutable signs that are willing to transform, transmute, transition your ideas, habits, and patterns into something that serves you better- clearing the clutter of mind, routine, and home and making way for ease, joy, and fun. The world can be crazy and cruel. Kindness, peace of mind, goodwill to all beings, and a new way of life for us all starts with the breath we take in our own human home of the body. Attend to the dust on the steps of your own mind. Clear off, clear out, and breathe deeply. What beauty that radiates from you will go exactly where it is needed most to help and heal on all levels. Love, Lydia 💗🍉💗♊️💗 SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON
23 May 2024 9:53 AM EST 02 degrees 52 minutes Sagittarius Listen to Your Higher Self The Sun is in early degrees of Gemini giving a breath of fresh air. Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, is in Taurus alongside Uranus, Jupiter, and Venus providing some stability and a continued call for attention to self care. It also calls us home to check if our value system is in alignment with who we want to be and how we want to contribute to this world. Does our inner Truth align with our values. The North Node, Mars, and Chiron are all still in Aries giving us the courage to align with our convictions and to jettison what’s no longer true for us. The Sagittarius/Gemini polarity does focus on what is true for us. It asks us to see where our intuition and inner knowing can jibe with how we journey through the life experience. Where is there a disconnect? Where might we be lying to ourselves to feel more comfortable? Can we sleep at night? Can we feel, when we review our day, that we acted in accordance with what we believe and value and hold to be true? Jupiter rules Sagittarius. It is conjunct Venus at the critical 29th degree of Taurus at this full moon. There is an urgency, here, to get the truth that rings within our hearts to align with our values and actions. Neptune is also at the critical 29-degree mark reminding us to align with our spiritual nature. With Uranus not far away, we are asked to include not only our own good, but the good of all in this fine tuning and evolution of the self. Venus and Jupiter move into Gemini on 24 and 26 May, respectively. It is best to take advantage of the critical degree at this full Moon in Sagittarius as we prepare embrace a bigger, more useful, more compassionate and more inclusive truth – for the individual and for the whole. Jupiter will spend the next year in Gemini - a mutable sign that thrives on taking in new information. Jupiter is a beneficent planet that can bring an optimistic cast to our thoughts and minds. The importance of gaining new and newly revealed information to aid the evolution of the whole is on the table. We are all swimming in the same pond, even though many would like to avoid that fact with walls built of stone, money, privilege and ideas of power. Stand in the light of what you know and invite your Higher Self to illuminate your life and your way forward. ♐️💗♊️🍉 TAURUS NNEW MOON
7 May 2024 11:22 PM EST 18 degrees 2minutes Taurus Find your ground. Stand your ground. Know your worth. Jupiter, Uranus, Moon, Sun, and Venus are all lined up in Taurus at this new Moon. Mercury, Chiron, the North Node and Mars are all in Aries. Neptune and Saturn are both in Pisces. Jupiter and Uranus are still pretty much conjunct carrying the thrill of the new, the unexpected, and the groundbreaking. Notably, Pluto is now retrograde in Aquarius. It will make a slow march and return to Capricorn from 3 September to 20 November – finishing up the energies we’ve been working on in our own charts around authority and structure – be it familial, corporate, governmental and/or internal. Have a look at how Pluto in Aquarius has liberated you already. Feel into how we can take that sense of spaciousness and freedom with us for Pluto’s last dip into Capricorn. The Aries planets give us the fire to move into action. The Taurus new Moon brings us home to a deeper experience of the self – one that reminds us that love and value starts within before it can be effectively radiated outward. We can clear out our own corners, closets and cupboards of the home, of the mind, of the body, of the heart. Breathe in some new air, some new colors, and some new ideas that enlighten and enliven. Bring an emblem of that fresh start into your life- be it a stone, plant for the garden, a new scarf or necklace (Taurus rules the throat) or a new kitchen pot. Taurus’s ruler, Venus, is close enough to call it a conjunction with the Sun and Moon. Let a natural attraction to what’s next in life be your guide: whether it’s your next meal, next project, or next relationship. Feel it in your heart and in your blood. Let the mind rest. Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries, with the North Node nearby, are best left to quietly lick the wounds of old hurts and scars, healing many of them for good. When Mercury enters Taurus on the 16th, we may have had a pleasant turning of the mind and the way we communicate with the world. This new Moon value the self, the life, and the things to which you choose to give time and attention. Are you living in a way that is in keeping with your own system of values? Taurus can feel a soft footfall and the thundering of hooves. It can join with the herd and add its energy to the stampede. It may choose to contemplate the beauty of what can be, what could be, what will be, by raising its vibration to a place where a new world is brewing. Trample a way to a new beginning. Dream under the gaze of beautiful flowers into a new world. Do one. Do both. Let what you value light the way. 💗🐂💗🍉💗 |
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