Capricorn rules our personal authority and authorities in general: rules, governments, figures “in charge.” Saturn and Pluto are currently transiting through Capricorn in retrograde motion. Mars, now in Aquarius, will move back into Capricorn in the retrograde cycle it is beginning this week. We are being asked to have a look at and revise where necessary how we spend our time, how we view our personal authority and to whom we give our power away. The Capricorn full Moon wants us to be aware of where we stand — one foot on a mountain peak of reality and the big picture, one foot in the depths of the sea— allowing us to teach forward and backward in time to better understand our present. Capricorn, though not always given credit for it, can be a mystical energy. It is why it has such wisdom and practicality. Capricorn knows most, if not all. Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler, governs time, karma and the structure of things. The full Moon is conjunct Saturn. We gathered information at the Gemini new Moon two weeks ago and now we may have enough info on which to reflect. We can review where we would like more freedom. We can restructure how we allow our past experiences to influence how we move through our lives. We can choose to realign our vibration with our higher selves. The full Moon is trining Uranus in Taurus. We can electrify and revolutionize how we value ourselves, our personal authority and the very energy field that calls to us that which we desire. The Cancer Capricorn axis works with history, family of origin, our sexual orientation/spectrum and the ego and emotional bodies. It’s no wonder they hover around the solstices. They are big! So there is a chance here to REFRAME how we allow our old stories toinfluence the freedom to be ourselves in our lives. From now, we can make a new story. We can go back and show new film clips to our inner child and our past life selves to show them where we gained strength from challenging times. We can soothe old wounds and state that we are strong because of/in spite of what’s happened in the past. Mars did just go retrograde on June 26 until August 27– see my June Gemini New Moon post to read about it. We can envision ourselves as who and what we truly want to be. If old ideas, memories and film clips come up, we can choose to redirect our thoughts and desires to what it is we do want. Our vibratory field is strong now and our ability to reconstruct — now and going forward — the life we want to attract is also strong. Think of the good. When I say good I mean what makes us feel good when we focus upon it. Review and hold in the heart and mind each thing and experience that you would like to manifest. How does the idea of having it FEEL? Would you still like to attract that thing or quality or experience? Or is there something that feels better? These times spent in review and reclamation and reformation MAKE the experiences we will welcome into our lives. Value the self just as you are and allow the ideas and good feelings to glow inside. The authority and permission to live the life that is filled with ever-evolving desires come to fruition is real for each of us. Aquarius in Taurus Show each of us how to value ourselves and to value our lives. Love is real. Our vibratory power to attract that which we truly want is real. Our personal authority to release what we don’t want to make room for what we do want is very real. Yes and yes. And yes. Much love to you. Lydia [email protected]
The June 13 new Moon is at 22 degrees in the mutable sign of Gemini. Air is it’s element. It is of the mind and ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the gods.
Mutable signs are changeable, like the wind. Mercurial. It means if you don’t like how you are feeling, wait a minute. The clouds will soon roll on by. Mercury moves through the signs really quickly. On June 12, Mercury entered Cancer and on the 28th of June will move into Leo. It is sometimes refreshing to look at how faster moving planets affect us as they roll through the signs and houses of our chart. It can help to lighten the affect or galvanize slower moving transits. Neptune will go retrograde on June 18 at 16 Pisces. It will resume forward motion on November 24 at 14degrees Pisces. How we connect to our whole selves – conscious and unconscious— and to Spirit - is up for review. We will also be feeling into how our dreams hopes wishes and desires on the vision board match up to what we really want in our lives. It is time to look at where I am checking off a rote list of what life should look like and adjusting to what I really want. Consider it a cosmic housecleaning. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus so we are looking at how we relate to our Self that is eternal and how it is communicating with our every day self. The messages could come in code, through dreams, through symbols. So keep a look out. Ask yourself the questions before going to sleep and pay attention to the answers in your first thoughts upon awakening. We will also have an opportunity to see where we are lost to ourselves to illusion, delusion and downright lies to ourselves. The way through us in the way we feel when we imagine our lives now and how we would like them to unfold. Not ticking off a list on paper but imaging what really suits us as individuals. Mars will turn retrograde at 9 degrees of Aquarius on June 26. The retrograde motion will continue until August 27 at 29 Capricorn. The Mars retrograde can assist us in the Neptune retrograde as Mars is the entity that gets the ball rolling in the day to day. Mars is our desire nature. In retrograde motion in Aquarius we can remember where, in the past, our desires have been met and how we felt about getting what we wanted. We can also see how we feel about desires that have not yet manifested. Are there desires that are up for review? Maybe we thought we wanted a walk in closet filled with shoes and now we would rather have a house or apartment the size of that closet, just a couple of pairs of shoes, and money to take a class on how to make shoes, by hand! As we grow and evolve, and even when we are stuck, we are redefining what we want to be and do in this life. Aquarius holds the memory of this and past lives and during the Mars and Neptune retrograde we should be able to see where we are caught in an outdated loop and we can tune into how to step out and walk toward a more satisfying idea of the life we would be happy to live. In Gemini we have been gathering ideas, looking at images, and building a catalogue of things and experiences that spark our interest. Running this glut of ideas through the Mars retrograde, especially when it rolls back to Capricorn, we can restructure the playlist to bring to manifestation what we want now. This may or may not be what we wanted at age 30 or 20 or in a past life in the monastery when all we knew was the four walls and a herb garden and a desperation to get beyond them. So we need to be aware of unconscious loops that could be running in this life— I just need to get beyond that monastery wall! I need to just be free! When, really, in this life, we are free to come and go as we please. We can believe and live as we please. The wall is but a memory. We can move out beyond old limitations and be free from old loops of thought. Tuning in to life as it is now and accepting past experiences and wounding that may be fueling unconscious desires, we can become more conscious of what we really want and need from a fresh perspective. Engagement with our desires on the inner realms will lead to much easier engagement with our actions on the outer. It lays the groundwork. Reaching into this Mars and Neptune retrograde, feeling around for subconscious jewels, we will reawaken the magical impulse that invited us to the earth plane in the first place. There is magic afoot at this time as we approach the solstice. Connect to the tales and legends and heroes that we are most attracted to, even when we don’t always give them attention, and give them some attention. Connect through the whole body. Mars is desire nature and Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Relationship to your magic, fire up all the senses. And gaze into the fire, as well – that of your heart, fire of memory, fire of spirit. The face in the campfire, the firefly that is really a fairy— they call us to reconnect with that magical self that has truths to tell. Happy Dreaming. Lots of love, Lydia [email protected] |
January 2025
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