26 December 7:33 PM EST 04 degrees 58 minutes Cancer Jupiter in Taurus Sextile the full Cancer Moon. Take care of your feelings with that which soothes and comforts: favorite food, tv shows, pets, and people – or no people. 😊 Capricorn tells us it is time. The Cancer full Moon is informed by our internal churning what it is time for – if we can but listen. Mars and retrograde Mercury are conjunct in Sagittarius squaring Neptune. Thoughts and motivations need to be filtered through your higher self to join with true purpose. The dreams and hopes as well as confusion - can be embraced and can help to find the way to clarity. Ask before sleeping for answers upon awakening- that kind of thing. Write down dreams and allow the symbols to filter through a meaning that is true for you. Cancer and Sagittarius are informed by feelings and intuition. Capricorn Sun is informed by structure and logic. Write down the misty, almost touchable ideas and visions. See what you really want to take shape as you see it in print. We don’t need to know or understand all at once. Follow the good feelings. They lead the way. Jupiter in Taurus resumes forward motion on 31 December making way for expansion of what we love and value in life. We have reviewed what has been taking up space in our hearts, minds and homes. The step into 2024 is a time for expansion into what we really want. Not what we think we should want. Mercury in Sagittarius resumes forward motion on 2 January again highlighting the expansion into the new, the optimistic, and the recommendation to be guided by your own inner voice to your own Truth. Venus is in Sagittarius until 24 January adding to the focus on what we DO want in our lives. Mars joins the Sun in Capricorn on 5 January inviting us to give structure to what we want taking shape in life. We can make lists, sketches, drafts, and see what we’d like to actually engage in. Happy 2024. May it be expansive in ways that fuel engagement, personal authority, creative solutions, and care for the self and our fellows. We are each having a unique AND shared experience on this planet. What happens over there does affect us over here. Lots of love to you in the personal and collective experience of human existence. 🦀🌕🐐
12 December 12:32PM EST 20 degrees 40 minutes Sagittarius Mars is widely conjunct the new Moon at 13 degrees. Neptune is square the Moon and Sun at 24 Pisces. Mercury in Capricorn starts a retrograde cycle that continues until 3 January. December will be a good time to review and wrap things up in preparation for 2024. Sagittarius is a mutable sign. It is willing to throw it into the fire if it doesn’t suit the narrative. With Mercury retrograde in Capricorn it’s a good time to sift through one’s own catalogue of ideas and beliefs. Use your intuition to divide fact from fiction. It is essential to have an “I don’t know” or an “I haven’t decided yet” pile. The polarity between Gemini and Sagittarius is finding its way from raw data to useful information. Useful to you. Useful for practical decision making and life choices. The Sun/new Moon in Sagittarius are square to Neptune in Pisces. The way to affirmation/confirmation and ways to move next is through intuition. How much more information do you really need? Sometimes that is a deflection. Stop. Stand/sit/lie – whatever feels right. Feel your feet. Put one hand on the heart. Rest the other hand in a kind and comforting way on the head. Give the heart a nice pat. Allow the mind to rest and trust the Self to be informed by the Self. We do know. We really often already know. If we can be quiet for a minute and trust we can come to know the next right thought and action (if action is, indeed, required.) This is the business of Sagittarius. A new Moon is as good a time as any to practice receiving what we may already know. The Gemini info bank is inside us. The Sagittarius internal focus allows the information to be sifted, sorted and presented by the intuition in a concise packet. Thus, we remember the arrow of the archer. It has a point. J With Mars conjunct the new Moon action backing up our beliefs is called for. Mercury retrograde in Capricorn has old rhetoric up for review and discard as we see it no longer rings true. Venus in Scorpio is in opposition to Sagittarius’s ruler, Jupiter – currently in Taurus. Venus rules Taurus. We can gain further insight by remembering what it is we want, what we value, and which of our methods are in alignment with our values. Do we care about the effect our actions have on the self and others? Are we being honest with ourselves about that? We watch for self- delusion/self-deception at a Sagittarius new Moon. That’s why ideas, desires, decisions, and actions can be filtered through the intuition. If we take the time to see how we feel about things with an intention of the highest and best for self and others, we can find a way through that has integrity. What we think, say, and do has a vibration that radiates and affects all. Can we think and act in a way that allows us to sleep at night? Can we behave in a way that allows us to experience alignment with the feet, the gut, the head, and the heart? Times are calling for the individual – Venus in Scorpio – to be aware of the power that our own values can hold - and wield - for the transformation of the whole. It is advisable to tune in with the individual conscience as it will inform how we use our energy for the group. Each of our arrows of consciousness and conscience can be released in such a way as to change the world. The intuition can guide the arrows home. May all beings be peaceful. May all beings be happy. May all beings be safe. May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature. May all beings be free. 🎄🍉♐️ |
January 2025
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