ADDING THE EXTRA TO THE ORDINARY The New Sagittarius Moon is on November 26 at 4:06 AM EST. We move in to a time that can be more fluid, like our waistline when we eat at holidays. Sagittarius is a mutable sign – able transmute ideas and things. Venus has now entered Capricorn where it will travel until December 20th. Sagittarius’ ruler, Jupiter, will move out of its own sign into Capricorn on December 2nd. So our Sagittarius time will be tempered by Saturn. Sagittarius is expansive and feels lucky. Capricorn contracts and wants to feel sure. I like the combo of the two. Capricorn gives a good foundation for Sagittarius’ castles in the sky. Sagittarius adds the fun factor, the embellishment, and the spirit to Capricorn’s blueprints. But at this new moon Jupiter is still in Sag, and it is a good time to sit down and digest the year that is nearing its close. It is a good time to tune into how we have experienced these last months and to ask our higher selves how to integrate our thoughts and experiences and prepare the way, on the inner, for what we’d like to experience next. Sagittarius’ business is to develop our own intuition, to develop our connection on a daily basis, with the energies, easily within reach, that can help us. There is so much more to life than what we can see and experience with the first five senses. The way can be expanded by following our guidance on the little things. Then we have inroads when we need help with what seem like the bigger things. When there is an inkling to drive home via a different route, just try it! The higher Self can see further down the road than we can with our ordinary eyes. Perhaps we’ll see that there is a sale on at a shop that has just what we need. Or maybe, by taking that different route home, we avoid a construction delay. Sagittarius invites us to expand our inner life so that it meets the every day life and makes it extraordinary. This inner life and the wisdom it conveys can be enhanced by tuning in to the natural world— whether it is the ground beneath the feet, the cat on the lap, the plants in the garden, or the snow falling outside the window. Sagittarius calls for freedom and the natural world can remind us to release the constraints of schedules, to-do lists and alarms — even for a few hours a week- to attune to our own time to rise, time to move, time to eat. This way, when we get the urge to make a change in our day to day life- job, diet, social life, exercise routine, well recognize how we want to respond to opportunity arising. With Jupiter moving into Capricorn and Saturn, Pluto, and Venus already there, the structures and schedules of our lives are worth reviewing. Saturn rules time and the order of things. Schedules that don’t work for us can change or feel like a prison. If we find daily routines and schedules that work with our natural time clocks and rhythms, the schedules can be a freedom. A new Moon in Sagittarius asked where do want to feel more free? Sagittarius wants to know it’s Truth. Sometimes it takes investigation to know what is true for us and to weigh what is important to us, and what we think should be important to us. Where is the breathing room, even in a busy day? How are the choices I make in work and routine allowing me to feel expansive? Sometimes all that is needed is an adjustment in how we look at daily life. Sometimes a bigger revamp is called for. By tuning in to one’s own intuitive voice, we are aware of the what’s when’s and wherefores and the inner truth of our Being. Thank you and may the Sagittarius new Moon be restful, reenergizing, and revelatory in just the right measure for you. Lydia www. [email protected]
The Full Moon on November 12th is at 19 degrees 32 minutes Taurus across from the Sun in Scorpio. The Taurus Scorpio axis unifies our ability to be self- sufficient and our ability to share resources with others. Taurus learns to hunker down and gather it’s resources. With the full Moon here, we might wonder what we’re doing alone at home with a year’s supply of canned goods and no one to share them with. Playing it safe, emotionally, can be comfy and hassle-free. It can also be a bit lonely or boring or even moving toward stagnation. One strength of the fixed signs is once they decide to make a new habit, they are able to stick with it. Mercury will go direct at 12 degrees of Scorpio on November 20th. This retrograde cycle, leading up to Sun in Sagittarius time, asks us to listen to our inner conversations and to be conscious of how we speak to ourselves. Scorpio seeks transformation and a great place to start is with our inner voice and how we work with it. Even the words we don’t speak aloud have power, so our inner monologue can be refined to comfort, encourage, and embolden. Venus, ruler of Taurus, is in mutable Sagittarius at this full Moon. Sagittarius guides us to develop our intuition, making this Moon a fine time for inner expansion, leading to interesting and expansive choices and actions on the outer. Sagittarius can also be optimistic and fun-loving; coaxing Taurus up into the light to share the labors of love that have been nurtured in solitude. Taurus helps us in the realm of what we value and how we value ourselves. Sometimes it takes going out in the world, to a friend’s house, to a class, to work, even if we don’t feel at our best, to see that sharing our honest self can be of value in the world. Sharing how we have grown and changed and moved through hurt, even if we are still in it, can be life saving for others. We can only hole up for so long before cabin fever sets in and we are really sick of our home-canned pickles. It’s time to see if they can be traded with a neighbor’s tomatoes they put up over harvest time. This is bringing the Full Taurus Moon into the resource sharing nature of Sun in Scorpio. Clearly I am not just talking about canned goods. I am talking about knowing when to be in strengthening retreat, and when to come out and share the valuable self each of us is developing with others. The energy shared then transforms ourselves, and those we touch; sparking evolution— small and large. We don’t have just one purpose in this life on the outer plane. On a daily basis we can tune in and see where our value and our power lies and how it can be expressed through us - to ourselves, and to others. Lots of love, Lydia [email protected] |
January 2025
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