The Libra New Moon will allow for new beginnings in regard to relationship with others. In polarity to Aries, we will also have the opportunity to feel how are relationships with others affect our experience of ourselves.
Venus-ruled Libra likes beginnings, as it is a cardinal sign. Sometimes it likes to think of beginnings and relationships as it is an air sign. Air signs deal with the mind. When we say relationship here it means partnerships of all kinds. We are looking into the mirror in libra and experiencing our own reflection through gazing at the other. We see what we are and what we are not. What we do and don’t want to be. We try someone else’s psyche, ideas, sense of style on for size and see if any of the pieces fit. We engage and we step back to ruminate on the experience. We see how the engagements affect our equilibrium on all levels. We experience how it feels to put our needs before someone else’s and how it feels to put the other’s needs before our own. Sometimes, in Libra, we go overboard, shifting into codependency, conditional love and unreasonable expectations of others. Where are we trying to live out our dreams through a partner? Or they through us? Are we putting another above us or below us to affect how we feel about ourselves? Grounding is useful at this time because this is a massive shift we are undergoing. We engage and talk and see how it feels to make plans and pick a movie or a hike. We experience the negotiation or acquiescence or agreement or manipulation involved in doing things with others. We see how all of that feels; how the different styles and personalities work for us. Libra may appear to be agreeable, but it typically gets its own way. We may go deeper. We may walk away. We may or may not hang out again. Looking at why or why not is all part of the experience. In keeping with how we relate, also this month, Jupiter moved into Scorpio. Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, moves through one sign a year, in a 12-year turn around the zodiac. Jupiter in Scorpio will expose secrets. It will reveal long-hidden emotional experiences. Jupiter in Scorpio will shine a spotlight on uses and abuses of power. Jupiter in Scorpio will bring to light how people may be using others for their own benefit. It will show how some are using power to control or sublimate others just because they thought they could get away with it. Jupiter makes the revelation so big that the truths can no longer be obscured or ignored or laughed off. Scorpio looks at power and transformation and ways to experience power and transformation. Jupiter makes things bigger so we can really see them. With Mercury alongside Jupiter in Scorpio, the secrets are being revealed and people are speaking up. They are revealing extremely personal, long-held secrets to the world by saying/writing #metoo. I am shaking as I write this. Women are getting their say in this shocking and public group revelation. The ripples are great. At the moment there is trauma when reliving old wounds – our own and those of friends and heroes. Transformation on a personal and societal level will be a “fascinating transition,” to quote opening song for The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. BTW, I recommend watching this lovely TV show to calm the nerves at this revolutionary time. Laughter is always necessary. The women are let up out of the bunker— shocked, blinking in the light of day and ultimately unbroken— excited about what is to come. Perfect. Tina Fey is my hero. Wow, this is happening. And change is, at last, afoot. With Uranus in Aries opposing the new Moon, the “I” in relationship is going to electrify/strike by lightning/revolutionize the “we.” Saturn in a close fire trine to Uranus says “ it is time.” What has been revealed cannot be unsaid/unheard/unread. Traumas will be recognized and worked through. Uranus has shaken the tower to its foundation. How we build from here relies on our ability to relate to ourselves and others in new and creative ways. So we have a powerful new beginning — we step out into the world with the secrets revealed and the vulnerability and power that comes with that daring. MUCH love to you and thanks for reading. LydiaTrettis, Evolutionary Astrologer [email protected]
The Moon is full in Aries. The Sun is in Libra. Both are cardinal signs – they like to initiate things. Aries is of the element of Fire and Libra is of the Air. Air can feed the fire and fan it’s flames. Aries is very much a physical energetic initiator – activated by instinct. Libra’s new starts spring from the mind and the realm of ideas. Venus and Mars are conjunct in Virgo on this full Moon. Mars is the ruler of Aries and Venus is the ruler of Libra. Venus is in charge of the nature of our relationships with ourselves and others. Mars is in charge of the nature of the Soul’s desire - desires we are aware of and those we aren’t. In Virgo, we are having an internal experience of these energies – evaluating them, pondering on them and doing some housecleaning of our approaches to relationship and desire: how we react to them, what we learn from them, how they urge our evolution onward. Aries energy is initiatory and is in the business of self discovery. Libra is in the business of exploring what it is and is not by relating with others. Libra embarks on this journey through joining with others to find what the self is and is not. The experience of the other allows the explorer to say ooh I do want to be kind like that person; I don’t want to be gruff like that one, I do want to be introspective like this one, and so on. The cardinal energy of both Aries and Libra will take steps toward this outgoing exploration and then step back again as the change called for brings on a bit of insecurity. The step back also gives us time to review and reflect on what we’ve experienced so far. The thing I love about Aries is that it runs on instinct. Aries has an instinctual need to discover something new and different about itself. It needs freedom to explore and experience new things that will help to define who they are becoming. Independence, freedom and the quest for self-discovery are instinctually driven. We need to be conscious that others are experiencing this energy at the full Moon to varying degrees, as well, so be sure to instinctually discover while being mindful of others – this is the Libra polarity to Aries. With Aries, the big questions of identity are up for review – especially with Aries’ ruler, Mars, in Virgo. Where am I going, what am I doing, who am I, anyway?!? Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. So the Full Moon in Aries is an ego and emotional restart button. We can see ourselves afresh and get some insight through a clear lens, a fresh eye. Aries is daring and adventurous because it wants to find out who it is through new experiences. We don’t all have to hang off a cliff or go off to war to have an adventure that will reveal new things to us about ourselves. Paint with the non-dominant hand, hike a different trail, try a new recipe. Wear a color you never wear and see how you feel in it. Daring doesn’t always have to be death defying. There are big and small adventures on which we can embark each day that can allow us to start afresh and help us to define ourselves in New and exciting and informative ways. Love, Lydia [email protected] |
February 2024
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