Happy Equinox to you all – be it Spring or Fall.
We have just moved into Sun in Libra time so the New Moon is an extra powerful one with added oomph from the turning of the Wheel of the Year. Libra calls us to balance in so many ways – in ways that may be UP for you. For many of us, during the Libra time, we are looking at relating as a mirror for who and what we are, for how we are doing and for where we may want to go - - both on the inner and the outer. Libra is a Cardinal Air sign ruled by Venus. So relating and ideas of beauty may be on your mind. Venus will be joining the sun in Libra on the 29th . We will also be starting a Mercury Retrograde Cycle which will start out in Scorpio and retrograde back into Libra. It will be a time to rethink what is beautiful to us in our lives and how we can make our lives more beautiful to us. This may bring on lots of comparing to what we see in environment, in the media and especially in our relationships. Libra can highlight where things in life could use some recalibration. A great thing to do is a Fall or Spring Clean to give you some space to appraise what is working in your home space, your workspace and beyond. Cardinal signs like to start new things – so you may have lots of ideas for how to move things forward in a way that could add beauty and harmony to your life. In Libra, we start with the idea of relating. We look at the world, at others. We do this by observing and/or interacting with a parent, a sibling, a movie star. We may say, “ I admire that quality, and I may work to adopt it in myself. “ Or, “Ooh, I don’t want that quality in myself and I will perhaps avoid looking or behaving that way.” Now, with the New Moon in Libra, Sun in Libra, it is a good time to say, “how do I want to be in the world, relating to myself and others?” With a pending Mercury retrograde, refining and reviewing how we are becoming more authentically ourselves on a daily basis is on the table. Through this process, we refine how we look, think and act in our lives. When I am at home alone, I can only compare me with me. At some point, the self-development of Leo and the analysis of Virgo can reach a stopping point or even a point of implosion. Cabin fever sets in and we need to have a look at what is going on outside, above the horizon of the Sixth (Virgo) House. So we come up and out into the world and have a look around. Libra is an air sign, a mental sign, so we are thinking about, and in Venus, possibly even idealizing, what others say, do and need in relationship. WE then see what we need to say, do and believe when in relationship. We talk, we learn to relate, we observe. We fine tune our outfits, our topics of conversation, the way we treat our friends, our partners our colleagues. Through that refining, that evolution, we come to know how to meet our own needs rather than expecting our needs to be met by our partners, friends, bosses or parents. So, on this Equinox New Moon in Libra, it is a great time to look at how we are moving through and learning from the world at large. How are we relating to ourselves and others? How can we value ourselves as we navigate all kinds of relationships as our increasingly authentic selves? Starting with this New Moon, each time you walk out your door, allow yourself a fresh look at how you are relating to the world and all of your fellow inhabitants, human and otherwise. How do you feel, upon reflection, when you come home again. How did it go out there? Are there some mannerisms, language, and behaviors that you would like to adopt, alter, or release altogether? What a lovely time to bring the outer self into balance with the truth of the inner self -- so that the Being you reflect to yourself and to the world is one you can enjoy living with. Lots of love, Lydia www.soulastro.com [email protected]
Our Sun is currently in Virgo – the analytical
and Mercury ruled Earth Sign. The Full Moon is in Virgo’s Polarity of Pisces, ruled by watery Neptune, the holder of our dreams, wishes, hopes and desires – also holder of the key to the door of our home with the Divine. It is in Virgo that we are able to Earth some of those dreams, aspirations and yearnings for a fulfilling purpose as may be mapped out by our Higher Self. The map is followed by our feet, hearts and minds here on the road of our life. The way to put that key in the door to deepening the relationship with the Divine while here in human form is to BE on Planet Earth. BE in the day with all of its interests, work, relationships, responsibilities, self-care and other-care. While yearning for that sometimes elusive and perhaps misleading single-pointed “Life Purpose” take a look up and see what the sky looks like. Take a look down and see where your feet are standing. While working to ground your desires ask yourself some questions: what is practical for me at this time? Which fruit have I planted that are obtaining a good and desirable yield, and what crops might I forgo in the future? What things do I find myself doing again and again for the pure fun, relaxation, reward and joy of it? And where do I feel like I am repeatedly pushing uphill? The Pisces Full Moon with Sun in Virgo is a great time to look at the dreams and goals we have been working with and see which ones we want to continue to follow, and which ones to let go. While evaluating, perhaps ponder this: There are loads of people on the planet right now – more than ever, in fact. So it is likely that someone, or maybe a FEW someones, will actually happily DO some of the things that you think you should do or make. Very few things are really going to go unmade or undone thanks to the sheer volume of humans out there making and doing. What you may want to concentrate on is the energy, the special quality that you bring to the world experience – that is what makes your purpose unique. YOU, moving through the life experience, sprinkling just YOUR brand of fairy dust along your trail, that is what’s key. So it can be less about the doing and more about the HOW your are doing - by the virtue of the vibration that is created from your actions, that will bring the manifestation of your true Purpose. By You being You. So pare away the not you, dream again into your hopes, wishes and goals, and carry on spreading your love, intention and unique vibrations along the path. Lots of love to you all. Lydia [email protected] www.soulastro.com |
February 2024
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