The New Moon is at 23 Pisces on 13 March at 5:21 AM EST. In Pisces and nearly conjunct the Sun and Moon are Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces. Venus is the lower octave of Neptune, so this is what I feel is a bringing of heaven to earth, and/or an earthing of our dreams kind of energy. Mercury will join Sun, Venus and Neptune in Pisces on 16 March and we can let in the ideas swirling just out of reach into consciousness and get them down on paint, paper, video, or straight out of our mouths. Pisces doesn’t always speak in plain language. We may need to invite our gardens, pets, favorite songs or dance moves decipher or translate the ideas for us. We may need to open the mind to metaphor, jokes or zen koans to allow in wider understanding that funnels through our system and settles in the heart, the soul and then, the mind and its systems of language. Pisces speaks in all tongues, in all art forms, in all hearts, the language that will most appropriately open us to deeper truths for which we have prepared our perception and methods of reception. Some of us are dedicated writers. If we do it every day, when inspiration arrives, there we are, at 5 am, poised and ready, with pen and paper. Some of us show up for our seated or walking meditations, our daily conversations with aging parents, our quiet time joining with the garden from the bedroom window, our soak in the bath. The polarity to Virgo may ask us to scrub the tub first. 😊 The dedication to daily practice is what prepares us to receive the voice of our higher self, our intuition, our inspiration. Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac, and it embodies the energy of all 12 signs. Pisces is the complete package, the fully stocked tool kit. Becoming acquainted with, and increasingly fluent in, the languages that out Higher Self uses to share information, ideas, and actual help uniquely suited to us is one of the great adventures of human existence. It aids us in our human daily life and connects us to the eternal nature of our being. When I talk about Neptune being the higher octave of Venus, that is a smidgeon of that concept. And Venus can reach out/in to our Neptunian dreams to remind us of, and ground us in, our human existence. The sight of a first snowdrop in spring gives hope of the lushness of spring and summer to come. The sound of a dear friend’s voice can remind us that we are loved and that we, in turn, know how to love. The sharing of a favorite encouraging photo or saying can change our whole mood. When passed along to another person, a stranger on social media, for example, it could save their life. Neptune and Venus join all of us together in beauty, in comfort, in transcendence. We are able to receive what is wanted, what is needed, and in its polarity to Virgo, what will help us, and others, the most. Pisces wants to join with the energy of All That Is. It wants to helps us to dare to dive for the hidden gems and relics that have been buried, perhaps for millennia, in the depths of our psyches. We have the courage to do it because while one fish is plumbing the depths, it is tethered to the other fish of consciousness that is happily sunning itself in the clear waters near the surface. We don’t need to get lost in the past traumas and memories. Pisces’s power as a mutable sign invites transformation from one thing to another, or even a total reboot. We can visit times past with the intention of revealing useful memories and ideas that can help us to better understand ourselves, our experiences, and our learning. We can resurface, grateful for the clear light of day, the oxygen, and the perspectives and integration that is a result of the adventure. Lots of love to us all. Lydia www.soulastro.com [email protected]
February 2024
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