The New Moon in Virgo marks the day just before the Equinox. We are preparing to transition over the horizon from the personal signs—Aries through Leo—to those in which we go out to meet and interact with the world—Libra through Aquarius. Virgo and Pisces are dubbed “transitional archetypes” in Evolutionary Astrology. They are places of reflection, review, clearing and assimilation. They give us a chance to look at where we have been and where we go next. This is on all levels. Most of life is happening from the inside out. From the desire to the idea formed in response to the idea to the vibration that aligns with the idea. Then the stuff actually may occur on the outer. Virgo is well acquainted with the inside job. Virgo analyzes and reforms—it transmutes. Virgo is busy working to transform a dirty room to a clean one. It transforms the idea of a fun day into the reality of a bunch of friends playing together. Virgo is the healer of the zodiac. Virgo transforms that which is in an uncomfortable position to a position of alignment. A physician doesn’t give treatment until they have assessed the patient by observation, by touch, and by, we hope, asking the patient where it hurts. THEN the bone is set, the treatment prescribed and explained. Healing begins. A really good doctor will ask not just about symptoms, but also about what has been going on in the life – what is happening at work, at home, in relationships. The wholistic view of “how are you feeling?” Gives a much better path to treatment and healing. Some astrologers feel that Chiron is the true ruler of Virgo. Traditionally we see Mercury as the ruler of Virgo. Chiron was the wounded healer. The tutor to the gods. The best physician. His archetype teaches us that the place at which we are most deeply wounded is the place from which we ate at the greatest ability to heal. This is why the perfectionism associated with Virgo is such a gross oversimplification and a misguided idea. Virgo is diagnosing its flaws and others to see where the ouch point is and is led to transform that point into a place of greater wisdom, strength, health and efficiency. I love Virgo. I love the calm the energy brings you n you he face of tears or carnage. Big or small, Virgo is able to find the ouch point and find a way to soothe it so we can carry on with our journey. If you keep subbing your toe on the same uneven spot on your hardwood floors, bang it into place! If you keep having the same argument over and over with yourself or your friend, find another way to discuss it! If that particular food keeps giving you a tummy ache, eat something else!!!! Virgo can identify the point of discomfort and being a mutable sign (willing to transmute) it can engender change. So go for it! Find the ouch points and sand them down. Pull out the thorns from your sides. We have people to meet and places to go in Libra. Which starts on Friday, Sept 22. On the Equinox. New Moons are about letting go. Virgo is one of the most important and useful of the year. We are moving out of an insulated self-development phase and into a time when that evolution comes from lessons learned from joining with others. It’s hard to listen to your date with a toothache (metaphorical or real); so get thee to the dentist (real or cosmic) and prepare to join the party that is life out in the world. Love, Lydia [email protected]
Full Moons are all about polarity. The Sun is in a sign – in this case, Virgo. And the Moon is 180 away in Virgo’s polarity, its opposing sign, Pisces. All of the signs have a ruling planet. Virgos is Mercury, which resumed forward motion at 28 Leo. The ruler of Pisces is Neptune. The full Moon is conjunction Neptune. So the rulers of both the Sun and full Moon are even more engaged than usual. Mercury will enter Virgo on September 9. Virgo’s call is to housecleaning—both internally and externally. They call us to refine our ideas and our home space so that we can see clearly how we want to be, where we want to be and how we would like to best use our energy moving forward. Mars, the planet of action and how we use our energy on the earth plane moved into Virgo on Sept 5, so the energy is available for clearing on all levels. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t decide what sweaters to keep and which ones to give away. That’s the trap of Virgo – perfectionism. Clear what you can and while you are at it, allow yourself to dream into how you want to live and what it would be like to be free and clear and uncluttered enough to move on the dream. The dream is where Neptune conjunct the full watery Pisces Moon helps out. Pisces is our ultimate desire for union with Source. Neptune helps us to align with our higher self and our journey. We can be deluded here as Neptune rules fog and gases and smoke screens. Virgo puts the feet on the ground of practicality and a clear head. So… Daydream while you put up a new shower curtain. Let your mind expand into the realms of possibility while you deadhead the echinacea.. (yes, these are some of my actual cleaning tasks this week). You see, we are getting ready for a change of season in a few weeks and the Equinox hits when the Sun enter Libra on September 22. And Virgo time prepares us for the Equinox, that momentary balance Point before we enter our he second half of the astrological year. Pisces full Moon with Neptune right on it asks us to dream into who we want to be in our daily life (Virgo). How does our work life and our family life and our creative life want to FEEL? I like to think I like to do lots of things, but the reality is there are ways that FEEL good in my life and I pursue those things. And the stuff I focused on and were important for me to achieve even a year ago are not all important to me now. Some other practices and pastimes and feelings have taken their place. And some things, on which I no longer hold focus, have left a void. During this full Moon, I am opening into that void to allow my higher self to drop some new visions of how I want to spend and organize my time into that void. So you can see how the polarity works – Virgo is daily life, tasks and routines – which includes health and how and what we eat, by the way. Pisces is how we connect with our dreams wishes hopes and desires and how we merge with Source. Daily Life and the Big Questions have a union this Full Moon. Be as honest as you can be. The idea of living in a yurt year round in the mountains really appeals to me and is one of my dreams – but frankly, I feel better being two blocks from three natural markets and their abundance. So I live NEAR the mountains and go there regularly. That’s me working with Pisces and Virgo to find a way to make my dreams work in the day to day. What really suits your nature, your true goals and your energy levels? Neptune rules delusions as well as dreams. Allowing dreams and goals that suit us is part of the exercise. Delusions are distractions. Virgo likes to focus on what is practical and real. She’s an Earth sign, after all. We get these opportunities to evaluate several times a year. This is a particularly good opportunity. I keep lists of what I want and I update them regularly. Writing things down helps us to see what we want. Saturn has now gone direct in Sagittarius so the framework and timing for things to unfold is good as long as we keep a strong link to our intuition. And as this is a full Moon and full Moons are culmination points, be sure to acknowledge how you are enjoying your life and progressing toward goals and easing your mind so far this Year and so far in your life. Only compare you to you. This is your journey and that’s the one we are reviewing and dreaming into this full Moon. Love, Lydia [email protected] PS Neptune is retrograde so there is a need to complete things with old loves, old dreams old delusions. Bring them up and look at them with a Virgos eye and the compassion of Pisces. What is true for you today? Allow the old feelings and the present t day feelings to have a conversation. |
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