This is the first of two Aries new moons in a row. One on March 21 and one on April 19 on the 00 degree and 29 degree of the sign, respectively. We will get two opportunities for new beginnings with the first and second new Moons of the astrological year. I will talk about the first one – at 1;22 PM EST on 21 March. The Equinox is the day before at 5:24 PM EST. The year is turning. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Chiron, and Jupiter are all in Aries. The North Node is conjunct Venus inTaurus. Saturn, newly in Pisces, makes a harmonious aspect to the nodal axis calling time on the ways we may be maturing and moving more into that which we want to become. Aries is fire energy. It is called by its instincts to act. It is initiatory Cardinal energy.We may feel a burst of energy and we may want to hop around like a spring lamb. There can be optimism and fun at this new Moon . With its ruler, Mars, in the last degrees of Gemini, we can can get thoughts and actions to sync up. Mars moves into Cancer on 25 March and the feelings may fire instinctive actions and reactions. Being mindful of both can help. Look within to see what needs protecting and what you want to show in the light of day. On the 23rd, Pluto moves into Aquarius. This is the first time in 245 years – since 1778. Revolutions abounded at that time. People were involved in the political process and of how they chose to be governed. It would be advisable to join in with our country and communities now in whatever way we feel so moved and are able. Aquarius is community minded. It rules friends and brilliant ideas that can be put into action. May this be true for us now. Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn on 12 June for the rest of 2023 and beyond, so planting seeds of unity and participation can be made with loving intent for the next couple of months. Pluto will also be squaring the moon’s nodes for the next year or so. Pluto is the evolutionary intention of the soul and the nodes plot the course for the personality. With this aspect, the opportunity is to square up the soul business with that of the personality business. In other words, any disconnect between the soul’s desire and the actions on the earth plane is best amended. Are we acting in alignment with our values? The North Node is in Taurus and the South is in Scorpio. Are we investing our time and money in activities, people, and companies that align with what we think is right? Are we sticking with some of them out of convenience and habit when we know in our hearts we could find another way? It is time to get the values, the ideals, and the actions to line up. Each of us has our contribution that can be made to the events and restructuring of our personal and societal lives. We can makes some calls, plant some carrots, explain an issue to someone who has questions. We can meditate to raise the vibration. This is a good use of Saturn in Pisces energy- getting the body in sync with All That Is. It will help us to see more clearly how to proceed on a moment to moment basis. We can hold the vision for equitability and fairness. Those are two values I happen to like. What are your faves? It is time to align ourselves with that which we really want for ourselves and our earthly home. The help is there. The expansion can be made. The optimism comes with Aries in the spirit of new beginnings – that we can shift energy and start again – and again – to tune in with what we want and the beauty of how things can be. Happy Aries New Moon! Happy Astrological New Year! Feel the instincts and new birth desire energy rising up and leap. 🐏 ❤️🔥♈️ [email protected]
7 March 2023 7:40 AM EST 16 degrees 40 minutes VIRGO. At this important and impactful full moon in Virgo - Jupiter, Chiron, and Venus are conjunct in Aries asking for us to instinctually expand into new ways of valuing ourselves and all we touch. Uranus in Taurus makes an earth trine to the Moon and sextiles the Sun — happy aspects both – even for an unpredictable planet. It pretends it doesn’t want to play earth people games – but it really does! Clear a space in the garden or the carpet and ground the songs of the spheres into the physical body. It’s no mistake Virgo full moon is the last full moon of the astrological year. Virgo is a transitional archetype, asking us to let go what doesn’t serve or what we simply no longer want in our lives. Between now and the Equinox, appreciate what we have done, made and acquired on all levels. Integrate what needs to be assimilated. Gather what we no longer want or need and get it out of the house in the appropriate fashion. Enjoy and appreciate what remains. And look at the moon and inside for inspiration to move forward. Saturn enters Pisces on March 8 after two plus years in Aquarius. As Saturn rules time, structure, authority, rules, and karma it is a lynchpin of earthly existence. In Aquarius there has been rebellion, revolution, alienation, and upheaval. In Pisces we may see dissolution, disorientation, and confusion— all Neptune stuff. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. It holds the energy of all the signs. So, with Saturn in Pisces we can tune in anywhere on the astrological spectrum and ask for help. We may need to do it in spiritual channels: meditation, journaling, dreaming, etc. where were we at the end of the last Saturn cycle? Saturn was last in Pisces from early 1994 to early 1996. Where is your natal Saturn and what aspect is Saturn making to that natal point now? Saturn is on about a 28 year cycle. So if you weren’t around 26 to 28 years ago, where were you 7 years ago, 14 years ago? 21 years ago? What does Saturn mean to you by house and by sign? How does Saturn aspect your natal Sun? Where does restriction affect your life? How do time and structure help you – or seem to hinder? As Pisces is a mutable water sign, the time and opportunity are now to transmute/transform/translate that relationship with Saturn into one that goes both ways – that works for you. If your natal Saturn is conjunct your natal Sun, you may feel constrained about your self expression. How can you work with that? Well, one way is to find a schedule and structure that works for you – get up everyday and have a set time to do your painting or writing or whatever. Work WITH the gifts that Saturn brings – a container for our expression – time, space and discipline for example. Pisces rules our dreams wishes hopes and desires. Virgo rules the way we keep our day to day life chugging along- clean house, good health, right diet, balance of time for self and time for others- a crucial integrator, so to speak. Together, Pisces and Virgo give us the platform on which to enter into the dream space and return with something tangible. Pisces/Neptune, on its own, might not want to return from the alternate reality. Virgo holds the string to bring the soul back into the body. Saturn can help to make the dream a reality. If it is time. If there is a structure. If the Higher Self agrees. 😊 So things will get washed away in the next two years inside and out. Our work may be transformed in ways we can’t imagine. Find structures that work for you – that are both practical and dreamy; that are both strong and modular and adaptable. Get your sea legs. You’re going to need them. Make sure your ship can roll with the waves and navigate in the fog. Clean the inner lamps that guide. Use the right fuel and make sure you know how to read the maps you are using to navigate life. This is the news consumed, the spiritual practices embraced, the friends and the conversations with which you engage. It means the historical tapes running in the head. Virgo Full Moon asks us to have a look at all of that and appreciate what is worth keeping and jettison the rest. And I choose to remember the wise words of Esther Hicks “you can’t get it wrong and you never get it done.” We just keep showing up as best we can on each given day. Sometimes all we can do is nap and cry. Perhaps that is what is needed that day. Sometimes we can do some other things, too. 💗 Pluto enters Aquarius on March 24 for a while to give us a bit of what the next many years will be like. A time to use our power wisely for the transformative good of the individual- and of the whole. How we are true to ourselves will directly affect the outcome for the whole. We need to hold our own while sharing the experience with the rest of the souls on the planet. It is time- it is a critical time- to Remember who we are as beings beyond this space time reality. We will each need to reach forward and backward in time to bring a consolidated, powerful, wholehearted self to the tasks at hand. |
January 2025
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