Recipe for a Moonage Daydream We have our first new Moon of the decade, of the year. The Aquarius Sun and Moon are together at 4 degrees. The Sun and Moon are squaring Uranus at 2 degrees Taurus. We are being asked to clear the decks to observe the revolution that is going on inside of each one of us. The new Moon is such an internal experience. Our light and our night are unified to illuminate the our heart of hearts. In the dark of the moon we have a quiet, a vacuum that lets us hear a different kind of quiet. The voice we can’t hear the rest of the year can be heard. When we tune into the frequency of Aquarius, we’ll hear what the Universe wants to say to us and to us alone. This square to Uranus in Taurus makes it personal. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. It is the voice beyond listening with ordinary ears. We need to go inside and reach for it. Uranus in Taurus says, listen to me now. I’m speaking to your skittish inner mouse or squirrel who wants to know it’s going to have enough hay for a nest and enough nuts to get through the winter. And Uranus in Taurus, with a message just for you, may say, forget the hay and the nuts for a minute!!! What have you got in that hidey hole of yours that’s going to feed your soul and your spirit and the part of you that wants to LIVE? What have you got going on in the heart of hearts that allows you to align your vibration with the song that the Universe sings just for you? When will you realize that the song is a duet? All the wisdom is out there and the wisdom flows through a funnel and when that wisdom drips down to the core of our being it has been distilled into an elixir of illumination just for us. So, go on, bask in the radical Aquarian black light of this new Moon. Burn some incense! Invite your whole self, inner child, higher Self, animal teacher, ancient healer, past and future selves! Aquarius likes the company. Bring all of yourselves inside for the journey. The way to honor this full moon is to value the self. Get comfortable with all of our moving parts and shifting thoughts, and evolving emotions. Bathe in the atmosphere of your own vibration. Feel what is emanating, feel what your field is attracting. All of this can be experienced while lounging comfortably in one’s own bed or bath or couch. Eyeshades can help the movement inward as can breathing and allowing the stars and galaxies to swirl around your insides giving a New Year New Moon cosmic cleanse. Venus and Neptune are conjunct – or close enough to it – to contribute to the dreamy quality of this New Moon. Mars in Sagittarius makes a mutable square to Venus/Neptune, kindling the heart fire and sparkling our Dreamtime to life. Breathe in the steam they make and breathe the 2020 self into being. Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and the South Node are all in Capricorn reminding us we know how to dream AND see the reality of manifestation. North Node in Cancer says the emotions lead the way. The New Moon is a great time to tend to what the emotions reveal to us. They tend to be illuminated when the Sun rides tandem with the Moon. Mercury rides with the Sun and Moon in Aquarius, too. Upon arising from the reverie, you may want to make a note of any insights that revealed during your starlit repose. Happy New Moon. Happy Year of the Rat. 🐀 Lydia [email protected]
Happy 2020 to you all! The first full moon lunar eclipse of the decade is at 20 degrees Cancer on January 10 at 2:21 pm EST. This eclipse is penumbral, not clearly visible in the night sky, even if you live where it is “visible.” In the sky at the moment we have Saturn conjunct Pluto at 22 Capricorn. Their conjunction is exact on January 12, but they are at the same degree at the new Moon, so close enough to contribute to the intense Capricornian energy in polarity to the full Cancer Moon. We are feeling our history in Cancer. We are feeling who we are, at core; uniting ego and emotional bodies. There may be a feeling of pulling our emotional socks up resolving to a year of self care, self love, calmness and letting go of past hurts. The Capricorn Sun calls us to stand in our strength, personal authority and authenticity as individuals. On Jan 10, Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury, goes stationary direct at 2 degrees Taurus after having been retrograde since August 11. Uranus holds subconscious memory and while it was retrograde for the last five months, our memories around safety, security, self love and value systems may have been distilled in such a way as to be brought to our conscious mind to be remembered, processed and integrated. For instance, long lost memories of childhood trauma may have resurfaced to be examined, understood, healed, forgiven, and released. So now, at the full moon eclipse, with Uranus resuming forward motion, we have the opportunity to be liberated from old wounding, misunderstanding, alienation, fear of lack, or neglect. Freedom from past hurts leaves a great space. We are no longer carrying as much weight of old wounds. We can use that freed up mental and emotional space to let in what is new, wanted, and expansive. There is an opportunity for liberation from old subconscious wounding or habits. There is the opportunity to transform and evolve the way we operate on the earth plane for our own greater good and for the good of all. We all participate, to varying degrees, in natural, familial, societal, economics and political structures. We have the opportunity to actually use the universal wisdom that we have been downloading through our good intentions, meditations, careful action, kindness, and warm and happy thoughts. These things aren’t just Instagram pics or bumper stickers. The good is real. Positive evolution and expansion are real. We simply need to choose them every time. What is the best action or thought or mantra I can take, think, repeat in This present moment? Pluto and Saturn are a power duo in Capricorn capable of real shifts of consciousness and action and structures in the real world. The full Cancer Moon asks us to be responsible for our own emotional body. Do we direct our emotions to a better feeling place? Do we remember that no one can make us feel a certain way? We must remember that we are responsible for what arises in our own system. The Cancer/Capricorn polarity is about responsibility. Do we respond in a way that makes us feel good about ourselves and the choices we are making in our thoughts, words, and deeds? The Cancer full Moon is about keeping our side of the emotional street clean. We can be a power of example for others by taking a beat and responding with care as best as we are able in every situation. For many of us this is a work in progress. So each moment we can resolve to evolve.😊 Powerful people living in powerful times. Choose to respond in a way that feels true in each situation that arises. Happy Full Moon and Happy New Year. All the very best to you all. Lydia [email protected] |
January 2025
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