Happy Full Aquarius Moon Lunar Eclipse!
We have Sun in Leo and Mercury retrograde in Leo. Mercury is retrograde until August 12 — I think I will finish some paintings that are half done and have a new look at my list of creative intentions to see where I can refine and release. We are feeling into how we have been and want to be creatively expressing ourselves in many areas of our lives, especially the house in which Leo and Aquarius reside in our charts. We will be experiencing feedback, both external and internal, to what we have been “putting out there.” We can review and refine our continued expression so that what we express is truly in tune with our personal vibration. At the Lunar eclipse we are looking for illumination and the intake of genius that moves us someplace new. We may feel unusual pulses that indicate something new is wanting to work its way into our consciousness. Being open to new and different ideas and guidance can open the way for Uranian energy to illuminate new pathways. Mars is conjunct the eclipsed full Moon at 4 degrees of Aquarius. If you have planets conjunct or closely aspecting 4 degrees of fixed signs you will be more affected by this full Moon. When there is an eclipse of the Moon our emotional body is affected and we can feel like we lost our compass for a little while. We can feel a bit bereft. It’s okay, the Moon will reappear. Sitting with kindness and holding ourselves in love can restore us to center. It is the Sun in Leo who participates in the eclipse. The Sun rules the Leo and Leo rules the heart. Putting a hand on the physical heart at this time and any time during these next few weeks, particularly til the Leo New Moon on August 14 will help to ground and center energies that aren’t sure where to go. An Aquarius eclipsed Full Moon will bring in new, unusual and unexpected energies. With Mars conjunct the full Moon we will likely feel these energies coursing through the physical body. It can feel like a lightning bolt. You may have been feeling harbingers leading up to this day and the bolt isn’t always out of the blue. Being a steady conduit will help to integrate and make use of these energies. It could be new ideas, unexpected partnerships, sudden departures. Being connected to the heart and soothing the mind and nervous system is beneficial. Put the hand to the heart and say nice things to it. Feel excess energies going out the bottoms of the feet into the ground. It allows us to operate from a place of connection and increasing balance. Writing down dreams and ideas and feelings is a useful release valve. Aquarius and Leo oppose each other as part of the fixed cross that includes Taurus and Scorpio. Fixed signs can get things done once they decide to do them. Leo has a feeling that it must creatively self express its feeling of special purpose. The Moon/Mars in Aquarius knows that we all have a feeling of special purpose we’d like to express and wants to be creative in unison. Mars is Pluto’s foot soldier so he carries out our subjective desires. With such desire for freedom and liberation at this time, he may want to break ranks and act outside of the usual order or go AWOL altogether. Perhaps take a day off rather than march out of your daily life altogether — with lasting consequences. Let the dust of this blood moon settle and let the inner illumination expand in the consciousness and when and if it IS time for grand gestures, you and your higher self will know it. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius is Taurus and is squaring the Full Moon adding the need to ground the energy that may set us free from outdated value systems and makes room for us to tune into what we really want. Uranus frees us from the conditioning of Saturn. Saturn is in Capricorn trining Uranus. The potential to let outdated beliefs and imprinting from society, family and other structures of which we are a part just soak into the ground and away. Freedom and liberation from conditioning allows us to individuate. We evolve, we creatively express our way into the next version of us. This is very big stuff. There is an opportunity here to liberate our consciousness, to break free of mental bonds and become aware of how big and wise and fun and willing to participate in our own lives we really are. The eclipse gives it extra oomph. We all may not be on the same point at the same time of the creativity polarity. Giving each other space to be what each one of us needs to be and to do what each of us needs to do is a keynote of this full Moon/eclipse. Live and Let Live. We are all going home and our timing and the vehicle we take to get there wildly varies. Make your road wider or take a different path if you need to let someone pass on by or they are resting on a rock by the roadside. Feel the inner moon. The emotions are the guide. Do any kind of creation in honor of the Moon being eclipsed. It is nearly Lammas, so a beautiful bread is in order, or a finger painting or an ode to Mars, who is very close to the Earth at the moment.. There are overheated, fiery flare ups going on all over the world and thinking cool thoughts and what color we want to add to our palette for our next creation can help to soothe the mind and nervous system. We are expanding, liberating, drawing in and moving out. Being in tune with our own boundaries and being ready to walk free of them can be so fluid if we can move with our own sense of timing. Much love, Lydia www.soulastro.com [email protected]
SOLAR ECLIPSE JULY 2018 Cancer New Moon brings us to ourselves, to join, in the dark of the moon with the emotional body. With watery, Moon-fueled Cancer we bathe in our own emotional essence. Any meditation during this time can lead us to a connection to where we feel emotionally secure and ways to increase that security. In its polarity to Capricorn, increased connection to inner security in relation to our self-image bolsters our personal authority and backbone. It can be a time, with the eclipse, hitting the emotional reset button. With the Mars retrograde the desire to heal historic emotional traumas is strong. Old memories are accessible and ready for acknowledgement and transformation. We have a grand earth trine at the new Moon. Uranus in Taurus Trines Saturn in Capricorn trining Venus in Virgo. The grand Earth trine supports and grounds the inner transformation that can ease the way to increased feelings of security and self worth. Uranus in Taurus is liberating us from conditioning patterns — from family of origin, society, and patterns that we have brought over from this life and past lives. In a tribe to Saturn, the arbiter of all of that conditioning, we are able to slip the shackles of ideations and constrictions foisted on us by the people and the world around us with greater ease than usual. The trine to Venus in Virgo gives us clarity on what is our value system and what is an imposed value system and which group of values we take on by choice at this time rather than by assimilation or indoctrination. Freedom! Jupiter resumed forward motion on July 10th. Our inward expansion may be experienced a bit more in the outer. Jupiter moving forward at 13 Scorpio lends a hand to the grand trine, watering the earth with empowered and transformative new shoots that come from our desire to earth a new found independence, individuation that serves our personality and soul evolution best. Evolution is fueled by the emotional body. The emotional body is the purview if the Moon. The Moon is eclipsing the Sun so takes precedence over that boiling ball of fire and how we feel informs how it is that we want to change and grow and feel better and better and more and mor le ourselves — not just a cobbled together Frankenstein of other people’s rules, regulations, beliefs, guidelines and structures. We feel more ourselves by feeling into who and what we are and want to be. We Earth the things we like by intention, by meditation, by gratitude for the awareness that we are individuating. We expand into the evolved consciousness by saying, “more like this, please.” We turn our attention, again and again to what does work, to what is a point of ease, to the place where it is safe and happy to grow as big in our consciousness and good feeling as our unified selves would like to grow. The Sun/Moon conjunction in Cancer opposes retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto supports reframing and restructuring the internal and external conditioning and evolution of our relationship to our inner authority and how we integrate into society and the world as we change and grow and deepen the relationship with self. Mars is still retrograde though August 27. We will continue to experience a connection to our deeper desires — feeling into those desires and connecting with them mean they are manifesting on the outer. It is helpful to feel the contentment and satisfaction and relaxation of the desires we are gestating, knowing that what we truly connect with and desire is already real and growing toward us. My echinacea isn’t always apparent above the surface of the soil in my garden. I know it’s there and I love it when I see it. In the winter I love the memory of it and the idea that its flowers will be apparent to me in July. But the echinacea is always there, whether I can see it or not, held and nurtured by the soil. The same is true with that which we desire. What we nurture and trust is alive and growing, even when we can’t see it yet, above ground. Dream into what you want. Find ways to expand good feelings inside about the self and of that which the self desires. This is each of our personal and profound journey. The Moon rules the ego body and it is at home in Cancer and it is at home in the dark. The Moon is lit and sometimes it isn’t and it guides us in all of its phases inward to how we feel. How we feel indicates what we want. That desire nature, expressed and experienced by Mars, leads us into circumstances, experiences and processes that will get us toward evolution and greater connection with Source. Desires cultivated on the inner will find their way to our physical experience as we relax and enjoy the unfolding of the idea of experiences and manifestation of them. Happy New Cancer Moon and Solar Eclipse. Love, Lydia www.soulastro.com [email protected] |
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