The Sagittarius new Moon urges us to find our own Truth. That intuition that you’ve been developing? It is real and it will guide you if you’ve learned the sound of your Own voice.
We are more than our physical forms. Our soul is also real and it wants to guide us along the way and it can do so if we have learned to recognize the sound of our own voice. This voice is different for each of us and it may not be audible. It may inform us visually, or with feeling. Each persons version of Spider Sense is defined by each one’s relationship with their own guidance. Jupiter, the greater Benefic, the expansive one, wants us to expand and grow to make a full and happy life. The intuitive sense helps us to open to the life that feels true for each one of us. Sagittarius loves freedom and, being a mutable sign, it has the ability to transform, to shift, to transmute. So, tune in to your own station. It is always playing your song. That song will invite your soul to spring you free from trappings of this life on all levels that are no longer authentic for you. With the Sun and Moon in the sign it’s an opportunity to make our inner truth match our outside truth. It doesn’t mean we have to tell it to everyone! Mercury is going direct in Sag on December 22. But we can experience the truth of our selves inside and out. Conscious and subconscious anima animus and animagus unite! A major event this week is Saturn’s shift out of Its two years spent in Sag and into Capricorn on the 19th. Form and recognition and structure have been given over the past two years to how we intuit, how we hear the voice of our own Soul. And now, in Capricorn, that knowing will have an actionable component. Saturn rules Capricorn. He rules time and karma and the structure of things. Ideas that have been gestating can start to be born and given form. Saturn takes two years to move through each sign. You can think on what was going on, if you are old enough, 28 years ago when Saturn last transited Capricorn. He is at home in this sign. He likes to wield his authority and get things going. Capricorn is the executive of the zodiac. He is the you that is on the stage of your life giving the TED talk that defines you what you’ve learned this lifetime that is useful to share. Capricorn is an earth sign and earth signs like to be useful. Capricorn is a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs have initiatory energy. It will be a good start to the pending new year to be settling into Saturn’s journey through Capricorn. With Saturn in Sagittarius, we have seen pieces of the outmoded authority of the patriarchal system, the authority that has held sway for about the last 5000 years on this planet, dissolve. That’s the power of mutable signs. That’s the power of TIMING. That’s the power of the Soul’s desire to show us what freedom looks like. So at this new Moon in Sagittarius, reflect on what evolving ideas and beliefs, intuitions, expansion and dreams you’ve been brewing and setting free.. Allow the transmutative energy of the last degrees of Sagittarius in Capricorn to launch you into the Saturn in Capricorn time. Here is where we can affirm, “IT IS TIME..” Pluto ha been moving through Capricorn since 2008, asking us to transform how we experience authority and structure and time. With the polarity of Capricorn to Cancer, we transform how we experience gender and our own balance of masculine and feminine energies. We also learn to parent ourselves in a more ingrained and powerful way. Our biological parents, corporations and governments will hold less sway over the psyche that is individuating. The intense entrepreneurial spirit that is rising is an example. What we focus on gets bigger. So it is beneficial to focus on what we do want, not what we don’t. Express these dreams wishes hopes desires to the Natural World, to your Higher Self and the the Universe. Move in the direction – with mind and heart and action toward these things. Fell what it feels like to already have them. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly… In perfect timing the life unfolds through our focus. The new Saturn cycle is when manifestation of dreams, plans, and ideas that have been coalescing in the mind and spirit. Pen to paper, book to publisher, photo in frame, clay turned to beautiful cookware, hammer to nail. It will be a strong Solstice on Thursday, so light that Lamp that is You and go forth to light up your world. It Is Time. Love, Lydia [email protected]
The Gemini Full Moon asks us to expand our inner knowing so that it meets our consciousness and communicates with our minds.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the optimistic, expansive Greater Benefic. The business of Sagittarius is to understand ones own Truth and if it needs to be shared — rather than pontificated — that Truth needs to be communicated so that others can understand it an weigh whether or not it is Their Truth, as well. The polarity to Gemini — the relentless information gatherer — asks us to synthesize information, conversations and experiences into something meaningful. Gemini is a gatherer if information and facts. The polarity to Sag teaches us to determine the difference between fact and opinion. Sag teaches us the experience of truth. The back and forth between the two gives us the opportunity to gather info, run it through the mind and the developing intuitive body and find what is true for us. What is true for us may not be for someone else. Our idea of the truth also is evolving as Gemini and Sag are mutable signs that like to change and grow. Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, has just entered a retrograde cycle in Sagittarius. It will resume forward motion on December 22. Mercury was the messenger of the gods. He was also Jupiter’s son. So strengthens the polarity between Gemini -Air and Sagittarius – Fire. The retrograde will allow us to move inward more easily, to work with intuition and insight. The retrograde cycle will facilitate the awakening of memories that lead to direct revelation. Memories — of this and other lives — can resurface in perfect timing to complete a cycle of growth, to put final pieces in a long worked-on puzzle. The memories and revelation may come in dreams, meditation or times of rest. They could be awakened by smells of holiday baking. They could also be brought on out in nature or when we exercise. They can even return when we are relaxing and laughing while watching a much-loved film. Sagittarius loves fun and jokes and relaxation and sport. The word Jovial and Jupiter share a common root. jovial. 1580s, "under the influence of the planet Jupiter," from Middle French jovial (16c.), from Italian joviale, literally "pertaining to Jupiter," and directly from Latin jovialis - of Jupiter. So, fun, expansion, optimism at this time can lead to memories that will help us to understand the Truth of who we really are. Venus is also moving through Sag, so this expansion and optimism can spread to our relationship with ourselves and others. The fire signs like freedom, so allow for a free heart - it will expand and reveal more of what it really, in Truth, wants. Saturn is finishing up his two-year run through Sagittarius on December 19 when he moves into his home sign of Capricorn. These last couple of Saturn in Sag weeks are a good time to expand the idea of how you want to structure your life— your time, your home, your limits - or lack thereof. An optimistic time of intuitive expansion now will allow the things and ways you want to actualize once Saturn gets down to brass tacks in Capricorn. Mercury was also in charge of mercantile – buying and selling of goods. As this is a time of year when many are shopping, and Mercury is retrograde, I would give extra time for packages to arrive. It is also advisable, with the retrograde to re-gift, reuse, recycle and release items to free up the energy in the home and garden to allow for the new. With Sagittarius’ natural trine to Leo it is a time to create the gifts we give and the decorations with which we adorn our homes. We can look at how the items we purchase and already possess reflect ideas we hold about ourselves and others. Are these boots really “me?” What we hold, what we release and what we buy now may hold the key to deeper truths. Much love, Lydia [email protected] |
January 2025
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