The full Moon is at 27 degrees 25 minutes Aries on October 20 2021 at 10:56 AM EST. Aries ruler, Mars, is nearly hand in hand with the Sun just widely squaring Pluto now direct at 24 degrees Capricorn. That means Mars in Libra makes a Cardinal square to Pluto in Capricorn around the Full Moon in Aries. There can be a desire to exert the will in the world and with others. The energy can be channeled into increased action, responsibility, steps toward goals: both individual goals and shared goals. The full Moon in Aries says Here I Am!!! All caps. And a big “Now what?!?” can follow that. At the full moon, an expression of the “Here I Am!!!” part of the equation can be best expressed with an outflow of pure energy – wild dancing to primal beats, bursting into a sprint, chugging a red smoothie while smiling at the moon through the resulting scarlet mustache. I also recommend swearing at the drama on TV for moving to slowly, shredding a bunch of unwanted mail then stomping on the resulting pile. This could escalate to contacting the guilty parties who are sending the unwanted mail and imploring them to desist! Rake the leaves in an aggressive fashion – jump in the pile and, perhaps, or perhaps not - rake them up again. Scrub out the stain the red smoothie left on your pajama top. Or leave it as a glorious reminder of your inner firepower. Cardinal energy wants to start something so you know… Write down what you really really want in red ink. Stomp triumphantly around the house feeling into the soles of your feet like you already have what it is you want. Growl at - and with- the cat or dog. Feel the power of your blood pumping through the physical system. Feel the blood rush to your head. Aries rules the head. See what comes to mind. Remember it. Forget it. Remember it again. What ideas and thoughts keep coming up when we step in, then step away, then step in again is worth giving some attention. We have a fiery full Aries Moon opposing an airy Sun in Libra. Mars in Libra. Fire ignites the mind – air. The Mars square to Pluto in Capricorn fuels the evolution of the soul and invites us to step into personal power, personal authority and personal responsibility. I AM HERE!!! Now what am I going to do about it? Most planets have resumed forward motion. Activate the passion. Motion is the potion. Jupiter, newly direct, at 22 Aquarius is making an air trine to Mars at the Full moon. It brings rebellious fun, optimism, and athletic enthusiasm to this party. Both Jupiter and the energy of the Aries full Moon say have fun with the fire of human existence. Dance in the bright yellow moon of it all. Yell into the is-ness of being. The doing will come. The thinking will come. The consideration will come. A full Moon – especially the Aries full Moon is about the feeling of it. All. That ram may be grinning. I think he is showing his teeth. Lots of love. I’m howling with you all today. Lydia [email protected]
On October 5 2021At 5:05 AM EST We have the new Moon at 13 degrees 24 minutes Libra. The Sun, Moon and Mars are all at 13 Degrees. The Mars conjunction to the new Moon may make us itchy to start something – a project, a painting, or with the quincunx to retrograde Uranus in Taurus – a fight. So, we can step back. We can count to ten. We may want to find a way to correct a seeming imbalance. We may want to wait til tomorrow, or the next day, before we offer up opinions or demands for a correction. Some things naturally come into balance on their own. Some things need to swing way out of the appearance of alignment to highlight the issue enough that it gets attention and calibration. Being an air sign — of the mind — Libra is observant and doesn’t always speak or act. It may just hold both sides of the story while the issue swirls and roils around it. The set of balances is impartial. It just stands and weighs. Libra can see all sides of a situation. Retrograde Mercury is at 20 degrees Libra at the new Moon. Mercury goes direct on 19 October. We are reviewing, relaxing, restoring, rethinking, and maybe even resuming. The energy of action and rest or even retraction are natural for Cardinal signs. The Cardinal signs- Libra, Capricorn, Aries, and Cancer have initiatory energy- they like to start things. Then they might backtrack, stop, or even retreat altogether. The key is to remember it is a dance. Two steps forward, one step back… Full steam ahead may feel like the quickest way to reach a goal or destination, but it’s often not the most thorough or interesting way. Retrograde bodies - currently Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune, and Uranus, remind us of the dance. We remember our experiences and what we have learned so we can proceed with caution or wisdom or a reminder of methods we have picked up along the way. With a Libra new Moon, the idea of being a part of a group- of friends, lovers, colleagues – arises once again. Libra is learning how it wants to be in the world. With all of these retrograde planets, Libra is asking how we want to interact and who we want to be as we do that. Many of us have been interacting with the world in very different ways for the last 18 months or so. This new Moon is asking how can we relate to ourselves, first, and to others, second, in a creative way that suits who we are now. Pluto, now at 24 degrees Capricorn, will resume forward motion on October 7th. The idea of how we have evolved as individual humans, spiritual beings, artists, thinkers, problem solvers, survivors, is to be contemplated, and the ideas assimilated, at this new Moon. Our routines, work, friendships, families, communities have all been rearranged in some form or fashion. How can we consider our personal equilibrium so that we can move forward, backward and side to side – even up and down— in a way that works for who we have become? Some relationships have gone into the background, perhaps. The relationship with ourselves has become paramount. New or different relationships may have come to the fore. Perhaps there are some gaping holes left that loved ones have vacated— they are sorely missed. Libra is about relating. It is about seeing those with whom we relate and determining who and how we are in relationship to others. It doesn’t mean we ratchet up our codependency. It means we see how we want to navigate the earth plane, in part by watching and learning from others. We engage by making a decision from that observation and interaction, of who and how we want to be. We adapt and adopt and make something new when we integrate some of what we’ve observed or experienced. The beauty of Venus-ruled Libra is that we make our own version of humanity, of a spiritual being having a human experience. We are influenced by our surroundings: human, nature, animals, architecture, media. We observe, review, digest, act, reflect and refine based on our insides and our outside world. Who, then, do we want to create? How, then, do we want to proceed -one or two steps at a time – forward or back? Who will hold our hand or walk side by side? Do we need to go alone? Do we want to phone a friend for encouragement? All of this is the Libra consideration and movement. Breathe in the air, the expectation, the intention a d the expression that is our life. Much love, Lydia [email protected] |
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