The full Moon in Libra was yesterday, but as you can tell by looking at the night or early morning sky, it still looks pretty full and we are still feeling the effects. A full Moon in Libra on the Sun in Aries polarity point calls for us to look at ourselves and how we are reflected in the light of the other. Desire nature is strong in Aries, so the way we instinctually relate to others is highlighted during this full moon. Also, today, Uranus and Venus are exactly conjunct the Sun in Aries, with Mars just a few degrees past that exact conjunction. Among the feelings illuminated by the Libra full Moon may be memories of past trauma (Uranus) around the relationship with Self and Others (Venus) and how they played out energetically(Mars). The conjunction can be a good time to feel in to who we want to be, not who history, or parents, or even Ego claim we should be. With Uranus on the Sun, this stand could be born of past trauma. The Desire nature of Mars in Aries relates not only to relationship but the desire of the Soul itself. The call to Self, therefore, is strong now. As an air sign, the Libra Moon can fan the fire-y Aries Self into taking a very personal stand. Yes, I see myself reflected in the Moon. I see myself and I Am staking a claim, from my gut, from my core, that I aim to be THIS, actually! Venus in Aries conjunct the Sun says, go on, dearest Soul Warrior, let’s move! Phew. Onward – onward without and onward within. Lots of love to you all today and every blessed day. [email protected]
A little bit about the wonderful sign of Aries: Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign signified by the Ram. Aries rules the head in the physical body and correlates with the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Keywords for Aries: I Am. The sign is ruled by the red Planet, Mars. The first sign of the zodiac, Aries has moves in an initiatory, outgoing fashion. Like all Cardinal signs (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) the initiatory energy goes out, and then there is some insecurity about the action taken. Just know that is part of the process when you are trying out new things and stepping in new directions. If you are hiking a new trail and you come to a dead end, for example, you will definitely want to stop, have a drink of water, and get reoriented before moving ahead. It’s all part of the journey. When the sun is in Aries, all of us will have the instinct to start new things and it’s wonderful to go with that energy when it is available to us. It’s a great time to let your gut tell you what it is you’d like to try, how you’d like to step into your day or a new chapter in your life. If a little wobble sets in after you first take action, just shake it off with a flourish, congratulate yourself for your courage, regroup and carry on. Happy Birthday, Aries! Love Yourself and Radiate! Aries Sun Moon in Leo
Goal for today – give yourself and another person a heart-felt compliment. The Moon in generous Leo is energized and encouraged by compliments – both the giving and receiving of them. Trust your gut as Venus – the Lover, the Valuer, moves into Aries and joins the Sun, Moon and Mars (Aries’ ruler) in the sign of instinct and initiation. With personal planets rolling into Aries and out of Pisces, allow yourself to radiate your one pure Is-ness! That’s the beauty of Aries. It will move ahead. It will walk out into the world – so just open the door and see where the world takes you. Leave the planning for another day. See how it feels simply to be alive. Feel the blood moving through you and feel the fire inside you move up from the earth, through your whole being and invigorate your heart. What does it feel like to move naturally – as You – today? The Sun in the instinctual sign of Aries in a fire trine to the Moon in Leo -- the sign of Creative Self-Expression – can fan the flame within that may have gone a bit damp over the past month or so. Allow yourself to be rekindled today – and see what that rekindling illuminates in you and for you. Let that instinctually inspired creative expression out with the pen, the paintbrush, the dance floor, the kitchen or the compliment. Much Love, Lydia The instinctual initiatory energy of Aries invited me to write a Haiku this morning.
I am. I AM here Here and Now is all I have To be. To Be Now. I tried to edit the Haiku, but the words that came out first were better. Ah, Aries – allowing myself to make no edits. To trust impulse and dynamism. Yay, Aries. Thank you for the fire in my blood today. Thanks for fresh ideas and new routes to get to the same or different destinations. I will follow my nose today. Because my nose is on my face and my face is on my head and Aries rules the head. Headstrong, headway, make way for Me! Because I Am Here. Hooray for Aries! Hooray for Me! Hooray for each person’s inner Me making its way out into the world. Much love to you all today. And Hooray for You. It is the last day of Pisces today. It can feel like the last day of a retreat – a time that you have been With In, quiet, cocooned. It is nearly time to pack that rucksack and walk out from the hillside retreat, the cave by the sea. What are you putting into your bag? What has been revealed as you’ve gazed into your own depths? What will you keep and what will you allow to be washed away? Perhaps you won’t pack a bag at all - starting fresh, empty-handed, palms raised upward, allowing in the New. We allow for calm - the Sun is in trine to the moon in Cancer today. The inner waters – the emotional body is at peace – no matter what has been happening, there is always at least some place where we can find stillness – a quiet pool. As we blink and begin to open and our eyes, coming out of the inner respite, feeling the sun coming in through the cracks, there can be gratitude moving through us, knowing the waters connect us to the sea – the rivers - the life blood of all living things. We begin to pull ourselves up and get ready to move out into the world of Aries. We are preparing to step out again into the world from that place of Piscean retreat and the completion of a cycle around the wheel of the Zodiac. Savor those moments you’ve had With In. Make a physical note of the connections you’ve made with Source, ourselves and others this year. Relish them, float in them, imprint them on your being - before the heat of the sun, the fresh pulse of instinct, draws you out of the door and into the clear light of day. It is the last day of Pisces today. It can feel like the last day of a retreat – a time that you have been With In, quiet, cocooned. It is nearly time to pack that rucksack and walk out from the hillside retreat, the cave by the sea. What are you putting into your bag? What has been revealed as you’ve gazed into your own depths? What will you keep and what will you allow to be washed away? Perhaps you won’t pack a bag at all - starting fresh, empty-handed, palms raised upward, allowing in the New.
We allow for calm - the Sun is in trine to the moon in Cancer today. The inner waters – the emotional body is at peace – no matter what has been happening, there is always at least some place where we can find stillness – a quiet pool. As we blink and begin to open and our eyes, coming out of the inner respite, feeling the sun coming in through the cracks, there can be gratitude moving through us, knowing the waters connect us to the sea – the rivers - the life blood of all living things. We begin to pull ourselves up and get ready to move out into the world of Aries. We are preparing to step out again into the world from that place of Piscean retreat and the completion of a cycle around the wheel of the Zodiac. Savor those moments you’ve had With In. Make a physical note of the connections you’ve made with Source, ourselves and others this year. Relish them, float in them, imprint them on your being - before the heat of the sun, the fresh pulse of instinct, draws you out of the door and into the clear light of day. Now that Mercury has resumed forward motion, though he is still in his “shadow,” the reflections that we had during the retrograde cycle may start moving into a stance of action. The sun is in Pisces for a few more days – the last sign of the Zodiac. Pisces is a culmination of all we have learned, noticed, interacted with over the cycle through all twelve signs. ? It also prompts us to move out from the self and to join with the system that is our world and our universe – so how do we feel about how our relationships with ourselves, others and with the planet? Before we move into the instinctual, initiatory time of Aries, we can pave the way a bit. Looking in the garden last night, I noticed that some of my perennials are coming back to life. That new growth is protected by last year’s dried up stalks and flowers. So, over the next few days, after checking with some wise and more experienced gardening resources I will do some pruning to make way for this year’s growth. This is a good time to do the same with other things in our lives. The Equinox is upon us. What worked this past zodiacal year – what needs keeping so that it can keep on growing and what may need to be let go, or moved to a different spot with different light. It is a good time to make a list of what to focus on as the Northern Hemisphere moves into long, bright days, and we move out from the inner, quiet, darker winter months. In the Southern Hemisphere, it can be a good time to look at what has been growing throughout the summer months that you many want to carry on with through the more inward time of Winter. With the moon in Gemini today, it is a great day to put down in writing an inventory of where you’ve been, where you are and where you’d like to go in the coming months. Mars is already in his ruler, Aries, the energy of action is already rising up in our physical systems and propelling us into a new season of growth shaking off groundcover, poking up into the day. Much love to you today and every day. [email protected] The New calendar year may have started about two and a half months ago, but we are getting ready for another chance at a new beginning. In this life, there are always opportunities to start over. Each morning we wake up to a new day. Life, as much as we may want things to be familiar, and to get a handle on things, is forever churning on.
Right now, Mercury is retrograde in Pisces. Pisces is the 12th sign of the Zodiac and it encompasses the energy of all the other signs. It is a culmination point. When Mercury is retrograde in Pisces, it gives us a chance to reflect and review our lives, our intentions, how we communicate with ourselves and with the world. We can take this time, when the planet of personal communicate and ideas appears to be moving backward to refine intentions and take a look at how things are going for us. In Pisces, it can be murky, however - we may see a dream not yet realized as a failure, when truly it has just not yet been realized. Things can seem dreamlike and strange. Pisces rules the feet. So, look at where your feet are today. Perhaps write down your New Year goals again. Perhaps make a list of how you have helped, how you have been helped, what steps you have made as successes along the way. Find where your feet are. Look how far you have come! Optimism is a powerful force for good,. When Mercury goes direct tomorrow, you may have a clearer picture of your next steps. But you must know where you are standing before you can make a step or leap forward. When the Sun moves into Aries on Wednesday and out of Pisces, a new astrological year begins. Aries rules the head -- it likes action. So take this weekend to reflect, to review, to remind yourself where you want to go and make any intentional adjustments, remembering to forgive yourself for what has not yet occurred as all is in perfect timing. Aries is a time for action. Pisces is a great time to relate to your dreams, wishes hopes and desires and how you can allow the Source of all that Is to help you find the rightful place for your feet, heart and spirit on this earth. Much love to you. Lydia With all of these Pisces Planets, Mercury retrograde, as well. The within, That which is hidden, that is the spot that deserves honouring. Love the moment between the moment. The time when love is found for what may appear to be procrastination -- and is really gestation. An idea, a nascent idea, not yet fully formed, may not have the strength to push itself up through the earth to the sun. Allowing, resting, reviewing, and then allowing some more -- the beauty in restful awareness is the beauty of spring before the blooms. Before the shoots, even. The wet dark earth with snow melting upon it -- is making way -- a way must be made for anything to occur above the ground. Love yourself where you are today, knowing so many unseen processes are in motion, even if it may be experienced, for now as some kind of inertia. The water is not stagnant. It moves, it breathes, it changes. Love that which is hidden -- it may not be hidden for long!
Hi Everybody,
I see on FB today that people seem to be needing to really 'shore themselves up" today with encouragement. The wobbly fog that lots of Pisces planets can bring on may have us feeling scared and at sea. So true. Wow. Hang in there. The oceanic volcanoes are here today with Mars now moving through Aries, Venus to join in next week. The moon is there today. The volcanic Aries mixing with the watery Pisces energy can make for fog, steam and it is hard to see with our outside eye. The call home, to the inner is so strong. Today, if you can, join lovingly with the parts of you that you can't see, say hi to the great inner unknown. Pisces time is such an opportunity for love of the mystery that is ever gestating inside. As in the northern hemisphere we see signs of spring, soon the outer will be pulling us out into the sun, out into the garden, the world. So, here is the oppotunity to join with the wobbly, unformed yet hugely INFORMED wisdom inside us. When the moon moves to Taurus tomorrow, an island may rise from the mist. Until then, know that we have many senses with which to see. Turn them all on and turn inward. Even for one minute on an egg timer. You can imagine that the minute is eternity and wow can the lights come on in that minute. Love you. Lydia |
February 2024
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