The Sagittarius full Moon calls us to trust and listen to our intuition. It is time to stoke and fan the fires of your inner hearth, the inner Truth. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is expansive. When ideas or circumstances expand, we can see them a bit better. We can discern the truth from a lie. We can see where an ambition is lead by society or old rules, rather than by our own inner guidance and desire. Since the Sun is in Gemini, who likes shiny new things, perhaps some new ways of tuning in can be adopted at this time. These ways can illuminate what has come to the fore in importance for us. Fires are an ancient means by which we can open hidden doorways. They show us new and different pictures each time we gaze upon them and experience their warmth. If you don’t have access to an actual campfire or hearth fire at this full Moon, you can always gaze into a candle or one of those holiday fireplace videos. When we gaze into the fire, we can let the modern world subside. We can let the day to day retreat and we can access the eternal. We may see places we’ve never known in the life rise up in the flame. Perhaps we will see a face we recognize only in our heart’s eye, the face we wore more than a millennial ago. Perhaps we see only the magic of the flame and all of its hues, drawing us in – for calm, for relaxation, for refreshment and for purification. Striving is not necessary – just a willingness to gaze and forget the rest. If thoughts arise again and again, they can be given to the fire, causing it to flare up and burn away what no longer needs to be on our minds. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, who is currently at 19 degrees Sagittarius retrograde. Retrograde Jupiter invites us to inner expansion and acquaintance with our higher self, our inner yearnings and desires to know ourselves, our paths and what step we may want to take next. Look for that which glimmers on the path, that which catches our eye and draws us forward. Jupiter is in opposition to the Sun in the full Moon and the inquisitive, Mercurial Gemini nature wants to play and explore. Sag likes to play and joke, too. Its goal, though, is self-knowledge and understanding. When we have fun, it is easier to open to the pathways that lead to the joy and fulfillment that is most harmonious for us. That which is most profound can often be the thing that is hiding in plain sight. We knew it all along, we just needed to see it in the light of openness, timing and alignment. Set your sights on your own personal guidance. The arrow is on its way to landing on the Truth. All the very best to you. Lydia [email protected]
Gemini New Moon 2019
New Moons give us a new start, but, there are not really hard stops in our timeline. We are moving through the wheel of the year, through and with the seasons and the schedules and surprises of our lives. As has been very clear where I live this year, March 21 did not reveal a full show of buds on trees and flowers in bloom. As I write, snow is falling in the mountains and rain is falling on the bachelor buttons, some of whom have been bent double by wind. The point is, one season often flows or washes or butts into the next as does one moon cycle to another. The Sun was moving through fixed, earthy Taurus and now the Sun and Moon are in mutable, changeable, curious Gemini. The other planets are in other signs, all moving at different speeds and at different distances from our Sun. The Sun and Moon we can see. If we can’t see them on any given day from our physical location, we rest assured that they are visible from someone else’s physical location on the globe. We can confirm this by using modern technology. I am often amused that my curious Gemini friends will ask me a question about some fact out there in the world and fully expect me to cough up the answer. And I wonder why this most curious of signs doesn’t just google it. I think, in part, it is not just the information they are seeking, but the connection of conversation, the kinesthetic experience of hearing the voice, it’s vibration, the tap of the texted response— the connection with people in the world that makes them ask a trusted friend first, rather than consulting the zeitgeist. After all, Uranus is the higher mind and it rules Aquarius. Gemini is ruled by Mercury— a more familiar and tactile energy that lives to be able to pick up shiny bits from the actual ground, to turn them over in its finger or claw. It wants that physical experience of acquisition and it wants to know its source. Gemini takes the apple that grew from the seed that was dropped by the bird on its way south. It takes the apple from the tree that Taurus tended and nurtured. Gemini holds that apple in its hand and says do I make applejack? It seems to tart to just eat. I’ll see if the farmer has a sweeter fruit in the next field so I can make applesauce or pie. While they move from orchard to orchard, collecting apples to transform into treats, Gemini will also collect news, stories and hot gossip to turn into yarns. When Gemini lands at the next tavern for lunch having spun information and observations into news and yarns about the goings on of marriages, deaths, weather, crops and intrigues. Jupiter is making a mutable square to Neptune. And Mercury will move into Cancer tomorrow. When acting as town crier or whisperer of secrets or other people’s business, remember that stories aren’t always heard as we intend them words are easily misunderstood, distorted or heard by ears that weren’t meant to hear them. When sharing information with others, stop and think if it is helpful to pass it along. How will you feel tomorrow, out of the dim light of the tavern or phone screen, to have revealed something you can’t take back? Air signs like Gemini can be a bit detached from human emotion. They live the receipt of information so much they don’t always consider how the subject of the conversation or the recipient is going to receive it. The old three questions Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said by me? Does it need to be said right now? are really helpful always, but especially now. Being mindful of what we stuff into our heads, and how we release communications in the myriad streams available, is also helpful to all. Upon awakening, throughout the day, and when resting the head to sleep at night, it is useful to see if what thoughts are running through the mind are bubbling like a happy, chuckling stream, or are they more like an open sewer, clogged with the detritus of criticism, ill will and hard feelings. We can redirect thoughts to beauty, to the gentle unfoldment of dreams, to the memory of a favorite day or delicious meal. When I am hard up for a better feeling thought I might remember a funny moment in a favorite tv show and it will make me laugh. Gemini is Mercurial and it can be redirected to sunnier more useful thoughts and ideas. This new Moon is a great time to do a mental housecleaning and to keep the muddy boots of mean-spiritedness, criticism of self and others outside on the mat. We can make a habit of thinking thoughts that make us feel good. As like attracts like, we will attract sunnier and shinier and not magnetic thoughts as we increase this practice. The shiny thoughts lead to shinier people, experiences and things in our lives. I write this as much for myself as I do for you. Many times a day I need to remember to find that thought that makes me feel better. I am then more likely to have a far better day and so will the people with whom I come into contact. Saturn in Capricorn is currently in opposition to the North Node in Cancer. The practice of cleaning up the thoughts will be backed up by Saturns love of restructuring and Cancers love of care for our own emotional bodies. I have friends who are working on having happier, more comfortable thoughts and we share stories of how well things turn out when we remember to practice attention to the kinds of ideas that are running through our heads. Lots of love to you. Lydia Trettis [email protected] |
February 2024
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