This month’s blue Full Moon takes place at 8 degrees TAURUS on 31 October at 10:49 AM EST. In Taurus we can fixate, in the best possible way, on the beauty and the nurture of the world we create within and experience without. We can fixate on self care and on what we value in our lives. These can be actual things- food, sleep, the right body cream to be absorbed into much-washed hands. We can also fixate on thoughts and ideas that nurture us, comfort us and make us feel better. Taurus is learning to value itself in all levels. With the Sun in Scorpio, we see how sharing with others-resources, kindness, ideas, support can lift us up and encourage us to carry on. The Taurus full Moon reminds us that charity, love and empowerment all begin in the home - in our own heads and hearts. Taurus likes concrete, earthly reminders of love and beauty – flowers in the garden, the variety of vibrant color in autumn leaves, the aroma of a meal rich in flavor and nutrients. This full Moon is exactly conjunct retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Uranus highlights our need for individuals to take personal responsibility for their own individuation, their own ideas, their own actions. The Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus reminds us we are responsible for our own emotional body and the thoughts and actions that spring from that emotional body. Parents, government, teachers, the media and our friends are involved in their own issues and journeys. We must have our own best interest at heart first. That is how we can embody the truth of who we are and, in turn, radiate the actions and energies that are truest and most useful for each one of us. Taurus and Scorpio are practical. They want to find what is useful. Taurus, especially, wants to optimize its energy for the maximum gain with the minimum expenditure for the best outcome. This starts, with Taurus full Moon conjunct retrograde Uranus with time spent going within. Seated/walking/standing/taking a bath meditations – whichever works. Connecting with the Higher Self that is with us every moment of every day and every night can be the most effective and enriching path to right thought, right action and best outcomes. We have but to ask our Higher Self to Guide us to the best thoughts and actions — the best way to talk to a friend or family about a sticky situation. The best route to the grocery store, the best food to eat for optimal health. This is the time to start recognizing the inner voice that wants to speak to us, wants to guide us on matters large and small. We all have a Higher Self, an invisible friend, who is waiting to hear- just from us. Start with the small matters – do I walk or drive? Do I order from this store or that? Do I call my mother now or in two hours? Ask and listen. Mercury is retrograde in Libra squaring Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn and widely opposing Retrograde Mars in Aries at this full Moon. The wisdom and direction come from within at this time – at all times – but especially now. Mercury resumes forward motion on 3 November. Mars resumes forward motion on 14 November at 15 degrees Aries. Mars is the foot soldier of Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto. The relationship with Mercury retrograde in Libra is with the powerful Higher Self which can expand the life and can give a better structure to the life. This leads to more economical action, more fruitful action, more valuable action. The Sun is in Scorpio. It is time to know our own power, to make a relationship with our own power, to gather that power, and where and when appropriate, as guided by the Higher Self, to use that power for personal good and for the good of the whole. Make a willing and comfortable home for your power in the body, heart, and mind. Express the power with self love and care. The time is now for personal evolution and empowerment via the limitless love and attention of Source. Brew up something beautiful and delicious. 🧙 A Good Samhain to you all.🖤🌕🖤 Happy Halloween. 🎃 Lydia www.soulastro.com [email protected]
The New Moon is at 23 Libra on 16 October at 3:30 PM EST. Libra is a Venus-ruled cardinal air sign. It is the first sign above the horizon of the chart. The first five signs of the zodiac are more self centered — building a way to be safe an operate at a baseline in the world. Virgo is a transitional Archetype – preparing, refining, rearranging the self that has been built up to put on its “public face” for the first time. In Libra we start to see what kind of self others have created and to observe our reactions to them. We compare ourselves to the other to see what we may or may not want to adopt as our own. That is why Libra is such a visual, as well as mental sign. We look at others and may be struck by their beauty, the way they carry themselves, the way they dress. It may seem superficial, but the colors, the flow, the smells, and sounds can all be deeply affecting. The initial attraction may indicate whether we feel safe enough to approach. We learn, as we go out in the world, to see if people are as they appear. Perhaps what appears to be a sheep is really a wolf wearing a fleece who is looking for an easy meal. Appearances and realities matter in nature and they matter to us humans. Venus may or may not like what it sees, and we may make some adjustments to our own public face in response or reaction. If a person speaks in a rough or coarse way, we observe others joining the ruckus or turning away. We see the effects of appearances and behaviors. The person who does not bathe may become repellent. The person who wears high heels on a hike may struggle with the terrain. I give high relief examples here, but in Libra we learn to refine behavior and appearances in reaction to what we perceive to be working for others. We observe and adjust… or not. We have, at this new Moon, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, dipping back into Libra before forward motion is resumed on 2 November. Mars is still retrograde in Aries until 13 November. Mercury in Scorpio retrograde while the sun is in Libra will be looking beneath those outer appearances for the motivation behind the public façade, the pretty/not so pretty speeches - the result of actions of those observed on the world stage. Many people are in varying degrees of isolation, observing through a variety of screens. We have time to see/feel how the appearances and actions of others affect our mood, our nerves and our own self perception. Mars is the foot soldier of Pluto. Mars is retrograde in Aries opposing the Sun/Moon. We are seeing outward evidence of our internal power surges. Our energy field is being attracted to what is going on around us – at work, at home, politically. Oppositions ask us to look at how events and emotions evoked by the outer are affecting how we feel and behave. That is why making healthy responses to life’s challenges an integrated part of our muscle memory is so key right now. Making a habit of helpful responses and reactions is not only possible it is necessary for our well being. Mars is squaring Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn at the new Moon making what is happening on the outer feel very personal. The beasts that are roaming the world at large are very real in an instinctual level to Mars. This is important to note, because Mars retrograde in Aries will shoot that beast and drag it back to its lair. Mars retrograde in Aries will skin it, dry it, eat it, and make a coat out of it. So we had better be willing to get cozy with the ideas, the rules, the fears, the power struggles, and the actions that we are engaging with and bringing home with us just now. Mercury is retrograde in Pluto-ruled Scorpio. The insight granted in Mercury retrograde can align with the revelation about how we have been spending our energy, our life force and our motivation with Mars retrograde. ARIES FULL MOON 2020
The Full Moon on 1 October is at 9 degrees Aries at 5:05 PM EST. Aries’ ruler, Mars is currently retrograde in Aries. It will continue retrograde motion until 14 November. Jupiter and Saturn have resumed forward motion in Capricorn, releasing some optimism and authority from the depths of the psyche into the outer. Chiron, the wounded healer, is conjunct this first of two full moons in October. We can help to heal from the place we have been most wounded. Even if we meet others who don’t share the same wounds, we can have compassion for others’ pains as we have had our own version of them. Aries is a fire sign that rules the head. Aries is also pure vitality and unbridled life force. It is the first sign of the zodiac. It has a Cardinal, initiatory energy. This can be a more internal Martial/Martian energy with the retrograde. There is a welling up from within of vital life force that wants to emerge. Any kind of moving meditation can be helpful at this full moon – walking meditation, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, sound meditations that can clear and invigorate the mind and the skull that encases it. Some may feel they could implode with the internal nature of the Mars retrograde full Moon, so letting energy out through the limbs and the voice can be beneficial. Watch out for anger turned inward and instead find helpful ways to move the energy. Saturn, now direct, and Pluto, which goes direct on 5 October, are square the full moon. Squares are the internal grist for the mill of growth, change, initiation and new beginning. In Capricorn, the planets of authority/structure and power/evolution continue to ask for us to assume personal authority and to evolve the way we use/assert our power. While the year has an air of restriction, confinement, and reflection, it has, too, great demonstrations of restructuring and assertion. We are opening up in many ways where things had been sublimated and painted over. The veneer cracks to reveal more levels of yellowed varnish, then a layer of paint, then wallpaper we never knew was there. When will we be stripped back to the bare wood? We might need a bigger sander.😊 Revealing and refinishing lifetimes worth of hardened habits and beliefs doesn’t happen overnight. We need to chip away, taking lots of coffee breaks and rubbing scream into sore hands. We may want to chuck the whole project at times. That’s when we take a walk and let a friend do some sanding for a while. The Sun is now in Libra, a Cardinal Air sign. Libra is the first of the relationship signs. We learn how and who we want to be by watching and engaging with others. If we share the load, or watch others’ approaches to problem resolution, politics, personal development or health, we may find new/ different avenues that could work for us. Engaging with new ways and ideas broadens our world, helps with understanding, and increases cooperation. It helps us to see “yes I want to be like them, or no, I don’t want to proceed like that person.” This is the energy of Libra. Libra is Venus-ruled and it runs the yes/no/maybe of how we want to relate and who we want to be WHEN we relate— through the mind. Aries is the fire of the head and Libra is a cool breeze lifting up and informing what is going on inside the noggin. Aries leads the charge and Libra is seeing what its comrades and what its opponents are up to so it can learn some new tactics and strategies. Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio in October 14th, so a review of the power of our words and the words of those we choose to listen to will be interesting and transformative. Choosing the information we attend to and repeat is more important than ever. To speak what is true and desired gives direction to our thoughts. Tides of all kinds are turning. Marshalling of energy and being conscious of how that energy is spent, and with whom are paramount at this full Aries Moon with Sun in Libra. Trust and be informed by the the instincts. Learn about others by observing their actions and correlating what that means about what they stand for. It will help to refine, then, what we, the observers, are made of and how we want to proceed. Love, Lydia www.soulastro.com [email protected] |
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