The New Moon is in Virgo today joining the Sun who moved into Virgo at the end of last week.
Virgo is very much about service and being useful on the Earth plane. A wise woman I knew once said, “fill yourself up to overflowing and only give away to others when you are filled to overflowing.” Virgo energy is about service -- and part of the lesson is about when to give to others and when to care for the self. A new Moon is a time for a breath in and a long breath out. A releasing of energy preparing to start again. Summer is drawing to a close in the Northern Hemisphere and it is nearly spring cleaning time in the Southern Hemisphere. In Virgo we long to purify and let go of that which no longer serves us. The not so helpful by-product can be too much judging of the self. So, my short and sweet for this new moon is: Action: Breathe in. Long Breath out. Questions: What can I release that no longer serves me? How can I best serve myself today? Consider the service to the outer once the moon has waxed a bit. For today, at least, see the spots in yourself and in your home that may be neglected and need some gentle loving attention. Gaze with love and care on yourself. As a loving mother would on her child. Gently give to yourself what’s needed. Be kind. Be gentle. Observe yourself and your home with care. With Mars/Saturn conjunct in Scorpio the urge for physical transformation and control over ourselves, others and events will be strong. So as much as you can, allow yourself to breathe in, flow out. If there is stuff to throw out, go for it, but be as kind and gentle in all actions today as you can. Have a sweet natured inner dialogue. Be mindful of the good you have given to yourself and others so far this year. Keep to an inventory of the positives you’ve felt and done. Like attracts like and if you focus on the positive beliefs and contributions you’ve made this year, you will naturally build from there. Tread gently with yourselves for we are all tender Ones. Much Love, Lydia [email protected]
What grows from scorched earth -- Where are you hurt? How can you help?
Where Uranus is present – today in the guise of a Full Moon in Aquarius, there is a trauma signature. That means there can be some hurt. It doesn’t mean that there is going to be a catastrophic even today, necessarily. The moon is in charge of ego and emotions. So the feelings that can feel traumatic on an Aquarius full moon may be from when you were six, or even from another life. AND you may not feel traumatized today at all. With the Sun in Big wonderful Magnanimous Leo --- Leo! Wanting, needing to creatively express itself – Your place of wow-ee emotionally Ow –eee ( I am speaking like a kid because Leo rules children and anything we create) may be inflamed. Leo is a fire sign and Aquarius is an air sign that fans the flames. So, TODAY let that lightning bolt of Uranian emotional kaboom electrify you down to the bones of your branches and let it slam through your trunk and reach through to the way that you ground such things in that wonderful way you have been learning to do as a seeker, as a liver of life, as a human with a deep desire to express your true YOU on the earth plane --- of course, then resonating to the other planes with which we vibe. Allow that lightning bolt to shake you. And stand your ground even if your branches are bent over double. Let it move you let it make you something new. And when the storm blows away, stand up and shake and shake your leaves and your branches, brush back your hair and smooth your sleeves. Have another look at where you are standing. The way to express you most heartfelt truth may well be standing right in front of you. It may have been standing there all the while – like the beautiful boulder in your back garden that you have not been “seeing.” And you simply must stand on it now and sing the greatest tribute to the Blues ever heard. Perhaps the rock is going to tell you sweet somethings that take you to the next level. With Mars and Saturn in Scorpio squaring the sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius the opportunity for this lightning strike to bring actual concrete and lasting transformation is good. OR maybe the storm blew something to you that needed a big wind and rainstorm to wash it to your shore – like a bottle with a message in it thrown up on the shore by a hurricane. That message was written before this lifetime began – for you and by you – written in a language you couldn’t understand until today. So yes, there’s been a storm. It may take two days to get the dog out from under the bed. Honor that upset and trauma. And focus on what remains. From the earth scorched by lightning see what grows. Create your sculpture, your landscape, your delicious stew, from that -- the trauma is the healing. There is some wild shocking stuff happening on the earth plane this week. Perhaps you have had a peaceful week. But Aquarius is all about the Zeitgeist the group mind. And if you are feeling like you are at that calm eye at the center of the storm, beautiful. Beautiful. Please radiate that peace and gorgeous serenity as your creative offering. Whether you are experiencing on the personal or the universal levels or on all levels, Where you are hurt is the place from which you can help. Love you Loads. Thank you for listening – and thanks for reading. Lydia [email protected] |
February 2024
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