The full Moon in Aries calls for a push of emotional reset button. Aries ruler, Mars, is currently in Aquarius, square to Uranus in Taurus. We are finding new ways to move into and through aspects of our lives. It can jangle is, it can shake us free from and free to… … we each fill in our own blanks. Venus, ruler of Libra, will turn retrograde on October 5 at 11degrees Scorpio, resuming forward motion on 16 November. The internal power of the Venus retrograde will illuminate the House Venus is transiting and give opportunity to reimagine our relationship to that house and our business with it. If Venus is transiting your third House, for example, it could be a time for reviewing relationships and communication with siblings. It could mean you carry on writing the book/blog/screenplay that’s been languishing. Of course any aspects to natal or transiting planets will make the experience richer. Venus spends only 7% of the time in retrograde motion, the least of any planet. The occurrence is every 19 months for six weeks. Sometimes old loves resurface, sometimes the feelings about the old loves resurface. Pluto resumes forward motion on September 30 at 18 degrees 45 minutes Capricorn. With both Pluto and Saturn in no longer retrograde, the ideas we’ve been forming and power we have been building may be directed in the outer to our projects. Libra Sun and Aries Moon are both Cardinal signs that like to begin things. They like to step into something new and see how they can express themselves and experience themselves through action – Aries- and through relationship with others – Libra. The balance of energy between Me time and We time is evaluated and calibrated. Aries’ instinct is to act on a feeling of special purpose. Libra learns what it is and is not by joining in relationship with others. What we learn and how we learn it in time spent with others varies from individual to individual- chart to chart. We’ve moved, now, post Equinox to the pivotal point in the wheel of the year, shortening or lengthening days considerably depending on the hemisphere. Seasonal shifts can open the door to big internal and experiential movement and shifts. Going to varying spots on the spectrum can help us find where the point of equilibrium is for each of us. How much dark/light, sleep/awake, joining in/solitude, eating/fasting, working/resting each of us needs is an individual discovery that can vary day to day, season to season. Venus does concern itself with self care and Aries knows how to follow its instincts. It’s a good time of year to tune in to what the individual system needs in relation to the group and regardless of the group and finding a good spot between the two. Happy Harvest Moon. May the bounty be colorful and rich for each and all. Love, Lydia [email protected]
On this Virgo New Moon,Venus enters Scorpio. We may experience a transformation of our desire to relate and a knowledge of our power to engage in relationships with ourselves and others that will enhance/nurture our soul growth.
On September 10 Mars will enter Aquarius. They will square one another. Mars is the desire nature and we may want to break free of any limiting constructs within ourselves, society or relationships that limit our evolving movement. Saturn has resumed forward motion at 3degrees Capricorn after a retrograde that began on April 17 at 9 Capricorn. There will be a natural willingness to rebuild or build anew areas in our lives that call us to expansion. We’ve got movement, moving on. This makes sense in Virgo. A mutable sign, Virgo wants to see what it has done so far, take stock, clear the shelves of outdated items and move on – realigning and refreshing as it goes. We are nearing the equinox, the changing of the seasons, taking in the harvest or beginning to plant depending on the hemisphere. We can feel the morning nip in the air and the day’s shortening or lengthening. Virgo is not yet surging into the new. It is preparing for it, clearing space and readying the mind and body for the changes to come. I use the season as a metaphor because Virgo may be Mercury ruled, but it is an Earth sign. It knows the natural rhythms and the callings from the elements. That is why it has a good sense of timing to reap maximum output for minimum input of energy. It has a calm about it linked to the unfolding of a project, a desire, a day. Virgo can take the analyzation a bit too far down the road, so, here are my current personal guidelines: For the fridge clean out- when in doubt, throw it out. With relationships, sleep on it before saying it. With wardrobe items, if it’s too worn to fix, or it makes one sad to look at it for another minute, off to the recycling it goes. With the New Moon’s opposition to retrograde Neptune in Pisces, our old dreams, wishes, hopes and desires are up for a re-think and a re-feel. Meditate on what feels good to do and where it feels good to go and with whom. The a good relaxing Sunday resting in ones own vibration can be enough to call home what it is we are needing and wanting and can invite a whisper of what that first step can be. Gazing into the green is where Virgo is fed. I wish all the very best to you all. Lydia Trettis [email protected] |
February 2024
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