The first new Moon of the astrological year is at 5:28 AM EST on Tuesday, March 24th 2020. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It is fire. It is Cardinal- a beginner of things. Aries has a best friend - it’s intuition. It might be a fun time to make a relationship with your intuition that you can see. Make a collage, a drawing, a playdo or clay or flour and water sculpture of your intuitive body. Hold it to you, invite it to be awake within you. We are animals and animal intuition helps to steer us in the safe and right direction, at the right time. It can lead us to the right time to make a phone call to a friend who is in need, to know which vegetables we should eat and in what combination. Aries is courageous and loves the unknown. Excitement and fear are two sides of the same coin. We can choose which wave to ride. We have a reset button st the new Moon. Aries is the initial reset. Certainly the world doesn’t start over and effects of things coming before may be with us. And the reminder is that I can, in my mind, heart, and body start my day over again at any time. I can approach my day anew. I can approach the tools I use to help myself and others to move through the day anew. I have spent many years learning practices and reading spiritual, self improvement, astrological and psychological texts and YouTube videos to get help, answers, and to frankly, calm myself down. When I get into my cozy routine, I sometimes let those teachings and practices fall away in search of new hobbies, activities, and general lounging about. With this new Moon in Aries, meaning the Sun is in Aries, too, I begin again. I dust off my old and disused texts and practices and teachers and I begin again to deepen my practice. My hands instinctually go to the pile of books, to wise friends, to meditations I once faithfully practiced. I start again. The muscle memory kicks in and I find myself feeling more grounded and more prepared to engage in the next minutes and hours of my life. A beginner is curious and a beginner may be teachable. A beginner can also think it knows it all and run headlong into all sorts of experiences. We are all beginners at some things and we all have a back catalogue of wisdom we can turn to in these times. Chiron, Hercules’ teacher, the wounded healer, is conjunct this new Moon. Right where we think we are most flawed, where our “ouch” point is, we can be most useful to others. When you get the instinct, inner urge, nudge, or shove to reach out to a certain friend, perhaps one you haven’t contacted in ages, do it! The may be in need of just your brand of healing. The polarity point to Aries is Libra, which is all about partnerships and the steps we make toward union with our human family. If we can’t reach others by the usual modern methods, we can quiet the mind and reach out in prayer or meditation and wish the best for the other. The New Moon is square to the moons nodes: south in Capricorn and North in Cancer. We take the knowledge of structure and authority we gained in the Capricorn South Node and bring it home with ya in the North Node in Cancer. We are, many of us, at home most of the time. We are reflecting on family of origin and our histories. We are nurturing ourselves as best we can and nurturing others perhaps from a distance. Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler just moved into Aquarius. We take our awareness of structure and authority and we move toward new structures. Aquarius is in charge of community, and the internet and Zoom meetings and finding new ways to serve while the world changes around us and within us. We will, together, find new ways of being and new ways of being together. Venus, ruler of Libra and Taurus, is in Taurus and is trining Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto in Capricorn. Taurus knows how to calm itself. It knows how to hunker down and make lemons from lemonade and how to make a game from a cardboard box. It knows how to make new romaine lettuce sprout from the bottom of and old romaine heart by sticking it in a pot with soil and watering it. Taurus also knows how to tell a goofy joke to break up the tension. We can start our day all over again in Aries. We can breathe and calm ourselves and reach out to a friend. We can use our intuition, make friends with it, and grow the ability to know what to do, and when to do it. It will also tell us when to stay put and do some jumping jacks. Lots of love, Lydia 💗🐏 [email protected]
Experiencing Totality The Virgo full Moon is on Monday March 9 at 1:48 PM EST. The Pisces/Virgo axis invites us to experience the spiritual through the physical. The Sun in Pisces energy highlights the energy of all of the astrological signs as it is the last of the twelve. Pisces’ ruler, Neptune is conjunct the Sun at the full Moon emphasizing the fact that we are all made of water and that, as humans, we are all swimming in the same pond, breathing the same air, sharing dreams and visions. If we are porous in our energetic fields, we may share the emotional run off of others. The Full Virgo Moon can help us to put the focus on ourselves, to see where the run off of other people’s dreams, fears and anxieties can be sidestepped. We can then have a look at our own mind and what is moving through it. Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is in charge of our day to day thoughts. Virgo organizes the mind and decides what can stay and what can go. Mercury resumes forward motion at 11:49 PM EST at 28 degrees Aquarius. Mercury will move forward back into Pisces on 16 March. Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, helps us to detach enough from the small mind to see ourselves from the outside in and to define where we are as individuals, separate from the herd. Venus is conjunct Uranus in Taurus. The call is to use the higher mind and the wisdom of the whole to care for ourselves, to be aware of our personal safety and security. Uranus conjunct Venus, ruler of Taurus can jangle our electrical system, our sense of physical security. Grounding exercises are key at this time. Uranus’ realm is the individuated unconscious, with all of its memories, including repressed and traumatic memories. Uranus also holds the concept of our future individuated selves. If we can take the time out, separate from others, that we are being offered at the moment due to circumstances that are fast going global, we can take time to see what and who we are. The subconscious mind may reveal old thought patterns, memories or wounds that can be healed and released for our improved health. It is like a virus running in the background, impeding the whole system, slowing it down and we don’t know why. When we have time out, the subconscious offers up its hidden bounty and we can engage, and heal. Saturn rules restriction, timelines and rules themselves. The 12th house and Pisces rule incarceration and/or-isolation from others. The 12th house can be the monastic cell relished for quiet rest and contemplation or the prison cell or the psych ward. During a time of self-isolation or quarantine that many may face in the coming weeks, how will it feel to each individual? Virgo likes to have a routine and an organizational structure. Virgo rules health. Virgo rules how we take care of the physical vehicle we are given to navigate the time on the Earth plane. With many planets still in Capricorn there is a sense of responsibility in caring for own physicality. Will all of these self-isolated, quarantined humans take this time out to do a big spring clean of the home and the mind? No doubt the dusty thoughts and feelings brought up by our own sublimated memories of trauma, global nerves and attempts not to bite our nails or touch our face in any way, 😆 could use some rest, relaxation, review, and release. Pisces likes a time of quiet reflection and a Virgo Full Moon is happy to use the time to get some things straight on all levels. Virgo can organize the mind , emotion and physicality to a freeing and useful effect. We can only bring so much into the home. We live, much of the time, in our minds. We can only truly focus on one thing at a time. What we choose to focus on, to think about, is more important than ever. When we find ourselves nervous, afraid, swimming in a sea of the unknown, redirecting thoughts to something soothing and useful can be a true lifeline. At the moment, or in the near future, in many people’s cases, we will be encouraged to sit there with all of that stuff we brought in, created, accumulated. How will each of us respond when our stuff, day after day, is staring us, literally, in the face? If there is room in our home, in our hearts, in our minds for anything else, what are we making space for during this time? Are we moving to calibrate our energy in a way that allows us to receive intuition that will allow us to move through this unpredictable time with as much grace, ease, and toilet paper as possible? Socrates invited , “grant me a beautiful soul in which the inner and outer self are united as one.” Pisces Sun and Virgo Moon know how to answer Socrates’ request. The calibration of all of our whole selves, one to the other to the other – the physical, mental, spiritual, worker, friend, family member, dreamer, consumer, joiner, isolater… on and on we go. We go on, one moment at a time, with a breath, with a conscious step, with a repeated soothing word or phrase -- I like “all is very well” as a statement I can run aloud or in my head to preempt or override any other recurring, less than helpful thoughts. Calming, breathing, and letting the excess energy flow out the bottoms of the feet into the earth for recycling can be a useful pattern to run whenever the mind gets carried to distracted places. We are all swimming in the same pond, but we are propelled by our own fins, flippers, instinct, intuition, conscious and subconscious minds. We have a choice about how to react to any situation. Virgo has the beautiful ability to take a breathe, Assess any situation, see what is needed, roll up their sleeves, and dive in. Pisces gives us the guidance, the faith and the vision to carry on, one moment at a time. Lots of love to all you fellow walkers, swimmers and dreamers. 🍃🐠🍃🐠 Lydia xxx [email protected] |
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