Who am I when I put the sword down? The Moon in Aries is full on October 15 2019 at 5:08 PM EST. The Sun in Libra is engaging with others to gain insight into the self –what it is and is not; what it does and does not want to be. The full Moon in Aries experiences itself through instinctual experience of its emotional body. The emotions are raw and fiery and are not checked or inhibited by the mind. It’s definitely a good time to look both ways before crossing the road. Twice. The other day, Mars, ruler of Aries, currently in Libra, was in opposition to Chiron in Aries. Chiron is the wounded healer. It is a trigger point, in Aries, for old wounds. In opposition to Mars, enflamed old wounds can turn hair trigger. We are still in orb of this opposition at the full Moon. It’s a good time to take en extra breathe right down to the toes to remain grounded and all in one piece when engaging with others. We all get triggered by different key words or behaviors or memories and it can be like walking on egg shells… or a mine field. Retreating to one’s own corner or one’s own glorious garden, scenic outlook, or favorite comfort tv show are a great way to deflect at this time. A brisk walk, swim, batting cage or other such full-body engagement is recommended. Mercury and Venus have both moved into Scorpio. Pluto, now direct at 21 Capricorn and squaring the Moon and Sun, is the ruler of Scorpio. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, again, ruler of this full Moon. Scorpio can be skittish, but in the end it wants to transform. It is willing to dive into the fire of its own shortcomings to be reborn as the next iteration, a higher octave of itself. If the full Moon hard-charging Aries can be reined in by its wiser advisor — Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, there is a way to put the emotional instinct to use. This means getting out ahead of our triggers - by meditating, practicing mindfulness, wearing ourselves out with exercise before we engage with people or a world full of triggers. If restraint and consideration seem impossible, walk another lap around the block at speed. Jupiter in Sagittarius is making a fiery trine to this full Moon. Jupiter, though kindly, often fuels any fire it comes across. So, please read the above paragraphs about meditation, mindfulness and vigorous exercise again. It is a time to remember that we are all swimming in the same pond. It is a time to remember that we all have triggers and are at various stages of healing, ignoring, or being completely unconscious of those triggers. Treading lightly with our own emotional bodies and those of others is the way through. If there is kindness to self and others that can be conjured, lay it on. If at a loss in a tricky situation, this full Moon in Aries, vote with your feet and walk in the other direction. It can save sore heads and hearts. The fire of the full Moon can be used to create beautiful chili or to knit a fuzzy rug to curl up in. Using the inner fire to heal and intuit what comes next for us is possible and recommended. 💗 Lots of love, 🐏 Lydia [email protected]
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