Happy Aries! Happy first new Moon of the Astrological year. Most systems are go. Mercury has resumed forward motion. This Aries Full Moon has a full speed ahead feeling as all planets are in a rare moment of forward motion. Statement of intention is called for, as is making a step toward the intention. The steps can be internal, almost blind - like saying to oneself, wow! I feel like I want to paint a mural! I want to paint a mural, or a miniature! I feel like painting! Picturing a painting, scribbling a sketch, looking at where the mural will go, feeling like a painter— these are all steps. Aries is so instinctual. It says I am here and I am going to be! It charges in, it sticks its finger in the paint and makes a mark. It not only isn’t thinking about the critics, it doesn’t even know what a critic is! This state of innocent creation, the face of a goofy lamb looking at its mother like, ain’t life grand and then jumping around like a maniac because it feels amazing! That is Aries energy. The ewe looks at the lamb and says, “meh.” Already she is world weary. She has responsibility. She has this nutty, exuberant lamb. Tapping into friskiness - jumping around because it feels amazing, smearing the paint for now reason other than to feel it squished between the fingers, coming back to the instinctual impulse, if not joy, of life in human form, can lead to new ways of being. Life wants to live and Mars/Aries gives us the instinctual fire to frolic and the instinctual guide and impulse to start. Mars is currently in Gemini. So picking up shiny things and gathering ideas and pictures that instinctually feel good to us will help stoke the fire. An instinctual vision board or altar can be fun and helpful at this time. The How/When it is going to manifest doesn’t matter. Just the gathering and assembling of a tableau that feels good is the only remit. The less real world sense it makes the better. Go toward what lights the fire of the senses. We have lots of opportunities for new starts over the course of the year, and Aries New Moon is one of the most natural of them. Find The feet moving, and allow it to turn into a dance. Find yourself humming and allow it to morph into song. Let the voice and the limbs and the digits and the appetite lead the way to sounds and textures and tastes that open up new pathways in the mind, in the body, in the life. Love, Lydia [email protected] PS Jupiter turns retrograde on April 10th at 24 degrees Sagittarius. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, a fire sign. We have the opportunity to allow our deep seated beliefs to be revealed and healed, and evolved. This can happen societally, as well. On the 23rd Pluto goes retrograde at 23 degrees Capricorn, and Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, goes retrograde at 21 Capricorn.💗
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