The first full moon of 2023 is on January 2023 6:08 PM EST at 16 degrees 21 minutes Cancer. We have a Cancer full Moon focusing on our internal emotional life. Mercury retrograde in Capricorn is conjunct the Sun and directly opposing the full Moon. Mercury is retrograde until January 19th. Mars is retrograde in Gemini until January 12th. If you aren’t feeling New Year vibes that is understandable. Sometimes that burst of new energy doesn’t come when the clock strikes 12 on January 1. The first few weeks of this year can be well spent finishing up goals and projects, doing a clear out and taking time to rest and reflect. The Lunar New Year is on January 22nd. This coincides with the Aquarius new Moon on the 21st. New Moons are for new beginnings, so that would be a good time to make a list or what is wanted in the new year. In the next two weeks it is a great time to finish up projects that we still want to complete. The ones we don’t can be cleared out to leave space for the new. A retrograde Mercury and Mars invite us to see what is worth completing and what can be released, recycled, composted, etc. Not all fermenting projects make for good eating. Not all acquaintanceships warm the heart. We don’t have to embark on every path we have outlined in our minds. Capricorn Sun asks us to claim our authority over the structure of our daily lives, over our schedules, plans, ideas and ideals. Now is a good time to winnow down what we want from what we don’t. We can make mental and physical yes, no, and maybe piles – of plans, of projects, of relationships and of habits. The Cancer Capricorn axis has to do with parenting. It is a nice day to nurture ourselves as a kind parent would do. Soothing words, nice warm drinks, a lovely bath and a story with a happy ending can be just the ticket. This will set the clear space to hop into the year of the Rabbit at the new Moon. With retrograde Mercury opposing the new Moon, we can gain insight and clarity on how our emotional body is guiding our thoughts, ideas and intentions. This is very helpful because the inner – that feels good, that feels weird, that feels scary – but in a way I’d like to explore, that feels terrible in a way I would not like to experience— helps us to clarify what we do want in our lives. The Moon and the emotions can lead the way. With Mars retrograde in Gemini – which rules the nervous system- our physical wiring will inform us of what we do and don’t want – a moment at a time. This is a great time to tune into our own emotions and energy body, relaxing enough to let feelings and thoughts arise naturally to be felt and seen. Write some questions to the Higher Self that knows us so well – because it is us. Ask whatever you want to know. If you’re not sure try asking “what do I need to know right now?” “What do I want right now?” “What would be my next right action?” Have the pen ready for what comes. You can do it as a meditation in the morning or a note written before going to sleep at night. You can write the questions -and answers- with your non dominant hand for added insight. Uranus in Taurus also goes direct at the New Moon on the 22nd. Uranus rules the Higher Mind and is the higher octave of Mercury. Taurus retrograde Uranus clues us in to deeper thoughts and ideas that help to refine what is valuable to us. How can we spend our precious time in a way that most suits us on all levels. How can we feed ourselves with ideas, habits and actual food that delight, nourish and serve. What is most delicious to us? Can we move toward more of those foods, experiences, feelings, relationships and practices. Preparing for the journey on all levels is an integral part of embarking on the journey. It is all a part of the trip. Happy 2023. Love Lydia [email protected]
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