TAURUS FULL MOON – How Much Do You Love YOU!
Hi there! The Moon is full in beautiful Venus-ruled Taurus. She opposes the Sun in Pluto-ruled Scorpio. Loving the spirit of Transformation. Loving the idea of revealing some secrets about who we are becoming. Full Moons are a culmination point. In this case we are looking at how you value yourself and through valuing yourself how you are doing with your ability to rely on yourself to advance your own evolutionary path. As Taurus is learning about our value systems and how to tend to one’s own survival, she may at times get into a habit of living through other’s actions living vicariously through them rather than getting out there herself. Taurus might, at times, let others go out and live while she stays safely at home. Yes, it could feel safer, and Taurus is by rights all about survival and self-protection. So, for example, if you have been sitting at home and watching the Voice or the Bachelorette, secretly yearning, check in to see if there is a singer or a lover in YOU who hasn’t been given her own expression - yet. As the full Moon in Taurus and Sun in Scorpio make a square to Leo, we must look at this time to how we are doing with our Creative Self Expression. We are being called to come out and embrace our evolutionary intention and participate in our OWN lives. So, has there been something brewing in you that you haven’t yet let up into the light? The feeling of self-value, the feeling that life is more than worth living, the transformative experience that can come from allowing your valued pieces to be seen – is calling to you now. That said, can you read one poem to one friend or send it on to that literary publication that you keep feeling would be a great fit for your work? Can you dare to tell yourself and others the great idea you’ve been gestating? Can you add those crucial items to your resume that might just land you the job you have been envisioning? As an outgrowth of living vicariously through others, can you allow yourself be inspired to and reveal an action that expresses a true aspect of yourself? Recently one friend launched a comedy show on her local Community Access TV. So proud. Another friend is taking a risk on a relationship after years of being single. Yet another is taking risks with her business and coming out of years of solitary life to join her with and contribute even more widely to her community. Like I said last week, Mars is in Capricorn and is now conjunct Pluto – so taking definitive action will actually to help your beautiful soul on its evolutionary path. Can you dare to let the sun shine on your face and bask in your own glow? If others bask there, too, great! Taurus is learning to do things for itself. Scorpio knows how to share resources. There are lessons in both. Can we meet in the middle – reveling in our feeling of self-love and offering our unique gifts – allowing them to inspire and bring expansion to others? Go for it. Go for it. Go for it! Start small, start big – tell one or tell a million! But reveal your secret creative voice to someone! WE can let others show us the path but we each have to walk it in our own way. Much, much love to you all. May the joy of evolving give you the courage to express. Lydia www.soulastro.com [email protected]
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January 2025
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