The eclipse cycle with the full moon at 8 degrees Gemini on 30 November at 4:29 AM EST. The full Moon opposes Sun in Sagittarius— both mutable signs. Gemini is Air and Sagittarius is fire. Air feeds fire. Our ideas, impressions and beliefs are illuminated for us to run through our systems: the mind, the nervous system (Gemini), the Intuitive body (Sagittarius). Most planets have resumed forward motion. Neptune in Pisces (also a mutable sign) went direct on November 28th. We are going to begin to lift our hearts and minds from the mire of collective untruths and hyperbole to see for ourselves what is true, what we choose to believe and how we want to proceed. Gemini likes to collect the shiny bits of information. Sagittarius will unpack the sack of glittering ideas and see which ones will make up the mosaic of its updated belief system. Sagittarius is developing its intuition. It will, if it is attending to itself, let go of outside influences to make up its own mind. Sagittarius can be affected by accepted belief systems: organized religion, political bodies, cultural standards. It is wanting, however, to expand its mind beyond what it has been fed by parents, teachers, religious and governmental leaders. It wants the big adventure of knowing its own mind through investigation and development of intuition. We are on a big adventure of accepting our own authority and taking responsibility for our own ideas and where the commitment to those ideas takes us. A Lunar Eclipse amplifies Full Moon energy, so giving the emotional body extra love and attention is paramount at this time. Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus at the full Moon, as well. Memories of old loves could be affecting emotions and connections in the here and now. Uranus rules all memories of this life and other lives, so what has been running in the background could rise up for examination and healing. Now that Mars is direct, we can assimilate old experiences and the effects they have had on us and grow in forward motion, moving on. Whenever we have the Scorpio/Taurus polarity, we incorporate the way we care for and value the self with the way we share with others. We see where we are self-empowered on our own and once we interact with others. This leads to a recommendation of more self-care, acknowledgement of where it hurts and where it’s healing. Uranian energy is electrifying. It can jangle the nerves, so cleansing and grounding exercises should be as much a part of the daily routine as the drinking of water. It is a universal force, as well. We may pick up on others’ energy more than usual, so a creating a bubble of light around us before bed, and again, when we start our day can be a comforting psychic hygiene practice. On December 21 we will have the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. We are stepping foot firmly into the New Age, the Age of Aquarius. Ideally, this time consists of a individuals developing their own opinions and joining together for the good of the whole. Here is a link to a talk I gave recently on the Great Conjunction of 21 December 2020: Each person brings their own gifts and abilities to the party. The Lunar Eclipse will help us to align with what is True for us. We will be able to let go of that which is just “sound and fury, signifying nothing.” We can discern what IS significant for us. We will be able to identify, with Neptune moving direct, what we do want to attract into our life experience. The mind is the great attractor. It is of paramount importance to keep an eye, a heart, and the gut on what is going on in the mind and to have responsibility for the thoughts that are being entertained therein. Soothe the mind. Listen to and Trust the Intuition. This is a Mutable Lunar Eclipse, so Easy Does It. 💗 Love, Lydia [email protected]
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