The beginning of the end of the beginning.
PISCES NEW MOON 2023 20 Feb 2:06 AM EST 01 degree 22 minutes Pisces Neptune at 24 degrees widely conjunct Venus at the last degree of Pisces. Shortly after the new Moon is exact Venus moves into Aries. Neptune rules Pisces. Venus is the lower octave of Neptune so we are keeping an eye and a heart and a dream and a vision in them both. Venus enters Aries on 21 February, gives Neptune a kiss and jumps into action, into the fray, off the cliff or just steps out for a bit of fresh air in the clear light of day. Neptune and Pisces are misty and moisty and deliciously rich. Pisces can be like a soup with lots of bits floating around in it. Some of the bits are familiar. Some are exotic. Some of the flavors are otherworldly and unidentifiable. We have to go beyond our regular senses with Pisces. We may take a step or ten into the void. We may need to trust. We may need to lean against an idea that turns out to be made of vapor. We may rely on something that does not yet exist. Saturn is in an out of conjunction to the new moon in late degrees of wild card Aquarius. The way we bring form to our dreams may come through in weird and unexpected ways – through unexpected channels and connections with others. A happy aspect between Venus, Saturn and Pluto empowers mental and structural clarity to emerge from the fog – especially if we focus on what we value now. Saturn will enter Pisces on March 8th which will makes interesting work of our personal and societal rules and structures. Some could dissolve and fade away. Some could rise up fueled by fear, manipulation and delusion. Pluto is currently at a critical degree 29 degrees of Capricorn preparing to move into Aquarius on 24 March after spending 15 years in Capricorn. We will get a taste of this powerful next step into the age of Aquarius before Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn until 12 June , returning to Aquarius in January 2024 where it will remain until 2044. The effect of the revolutionary energy of Pluto the powerful transformer in Aquarius can’t be predicted specifically. It will be powerful. It will involve the world community and it will likely transform life as we know it. But for this new Moon, the last one of the astrological year, we can bathe in the wisdom of Pisces – the sign that holds the energy of all the signs. We can look at the structures of our life and see how our thoughts, actions and interactions can better serve ourselves and the community. It is import to strengthen our spiritual practice. In meditation, we can ask the Higher Self how we can contribute to the care, transformation, wisdom, and healing of ourselves and the whole. The internal focus will help us with orientation. Pisces can be foggy and it is helpful to know which way is up. We do each have a part to play. For some it is quiet contemplation, grounding and stabilizing the new energies as they flow in to our environment. For some it is encouraging the self and others. For some it is actively rising up and expressing the needs of the self and of the whole. Our old ways may no longer be working. It is time to get with the Higher Self and tune in to the what our new role is. This way the individual’s energy is used to its best purpose. We will go with the personal and universal flow. We will be useful to the self and the whole and we will be energized for it as it will be the right use of our will – supported by spirit. Supported by the Earth. Held by the universal love of all that is. Ask the Self. Ask the Higher Self for help and guidance. Wait in the assurance that the next step will be revealed. Love, Lydia [email protected]
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