Full Moons are a time when we are experiencing how we deal with Polarity.
During this time, the moon is full and directly opposite the sign of the Sun. In this case, the Sunun is in Gemini and the Moon is in its opposing sign, Sagittarius. They have similarities – both are Mutable signs. They have the ability and desire to change things, to transmute them, to process them. In the case of Gemini and Sagittarius, both are interested in information and learning. But they are also very different and their marching orders are different, too. In Evolutionary Astrology, we look at polarities as a big part of the journey.. Sag is ultimately going to embrace the energy of Gemini and Gemini will ultimately have the Sagittarius experience. This often doesn't happen all at once. We take day trips over to the polarity point and then head home to the safe space that we started from – having had a peek at how the other side lives and assimilating bits and pieces. Some say the opposing signs have what each other wants. This can be the enticement to sample the other’s wares. With Gemini, we have been, perhaps, buying every book on fitness and never really finding the routine that works for us. In my case, I sampled many occult sciences before I decided I needed to focus on one or two or I was never going to be much good at any of them. Sagittarius is higher learning with a focus. It takes the information gathered and organizes it. One way in which Gemini calls to Sagittarius would be something like this: “Now that I'm in college I can never read for fun!” “I just want to have coffee with my friend and gab” “I miss rooting around online for fascinating tidbits of info just to see where they took me” “I just want to watch Jeopardy or do a pub quiz!” Anyway, each polarity has umpteen ingredients that smell good or weird or scary to its opposite. Each has its purpose as part of the whole astrological wheel and none is more important than the other. When we have a full Moon, the Sun is settled for nearly a month into one sign and we are experiencing all of the things about that sign. After a few days, we feel pretty comfortable with the sun being where it is – I’m keeping it simple here. Then for two to three days Bam! We have a full Moon in the opposing sign asking us to consider some things that can feel diametrically opposed, but, in truth, are part of a continuum. Gemini wants to chat about this and that, read a few articles on a variety of things and discuss. Bam! Sag says maybe you should apply to grad school, or write the great America novel or just do your freaking homework! Neither sign is just about these things. They are examples. But it explains a bit about why full Moons can feel disruptive and unsettling and unnerving. Again, not for everyone and not always. But they can feel momentous because they are calling us to experience the fullness of the continuum! They are calling us to look at the inside and the outside of an issue – the forest and the trees, the macro and the micro and all that is in between. Jupiter, ruler of Sag, the greater benefic, goes direct in Libra shortly after the exact moment of the full Moon. So the inner growth and optimism we've been cultivating and examining on the inner can once again start manifesting in the outer. Libra sees two sides of the coin but sometimes stubbornly sees only heads or tails. The truth will out at this time. Lies may be revealed and egg may besmirch faces. And even the truth has a range and is subjective . The Sag lesson is to know your own truth and to respect that others are having their personal journey with what is true for them. So keep the truth of your child and wise elder close at hand. Admit to yourself, as best you can, who and what you Not necessarily what you think looks good - hey like apartments ARE tiny houses! With built in neighbors. So yah just cause it's groovy it doesn't mean it's for you. An idea can be for you, but the way it manifests can look different for each person. And embracing the spectrum of personal truth will allow for the most interesting expansion at this time. As Sagittarius is concerned with developing and listening to ones intuition, I will just leave it there. To be chewed on. Lots of love, Lydia www.soulastro.com [email protected]
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