JOIN WITH OTHERS BE YOURSELFThe new Moon eclipse of the Sun in Aquarius sets us off on a time of zingy revelation. Mercury is also in Aquarius. Mercury, the lower octave of Aquarius’ ruling planet Uranus, asks shocking and possibly inspired questions of us and of the world at large. The answers may be unexpected, out of left field, revolutionary, revelatory and, possibly, genius. It’s a good time to remain grounded, so the higher/hive mind communication can be received, processed, and utilized if you deem it necessary without causing undue frazzling of your personal energetic system. Aquarius is beyond the pale and it doesn’t like to assimilate because it feels it could mess with its transmitter to the beyond. AND, Aquarius rules friends, groups and community, so it’s great if one can find a channel through which to relate to others AND keep the personal lines of communication with Source open. This is one of the lessons of the polarity between Aquarius and it’s 180 degree opposite Leo. We want to creatively self express in Leo and we want to find a way to share our expression with the creativity of others in Aquarius — even though the impulse of Aquarius can be to conduct a revolution of one. So how to dare to jump in with others and gab and share ideas and visions and ways to love our life and world and not feel we are lost in the soup of the group? Venus has just moved into Pisces, who understands the dance between the water droplet and the ocean. Venus helps us to relate. Pisces understands the energy of all 12 astrological signs, and is great at understanding. For each of us that dance of joining varies, sometimes day to day. Some stay in the hermit’s cave for a month or a lifetime. Others are happy to be a householder with a brood and no “me time” for years on end. That relationship with ourselves, with Source and with the world is a moveable feast. It is a good time to tune in with one’s own energy field at this New Moon. It is a good time to experience our own vibration, and from that place to see how, how often, and how much we are interacting with other individual fields, and, in turn, the energy field of the group- at work, in our town, our country, the world. We are one. We are many. We are both of these at the same time, but we can tune into ourselves on the continuum of the individual and our place as a member of the collective. We can choose. The trauma -our own or that of the group, from the past or that which we currently experience, asks us to find a comfortable, safe space within – an impulse of Aquarius’ natural square to Taurus. From that safe internal space to which we can, at will, retreat, we can see how our individual self is feeling in relation to the whole group. The desire to retreat can be triggered by long- term memory of past trauma. It can also be called upon by the calm of Source desiring some reflection and gathering of the self to the self. When do I create on my own? When is my creativity expanded by meeting up with h others – by encouraging and being encouraged? My recommendations are often the same- just, perhaps with a different focus each time. With New Moon Solar eclipse in Aquarius, how do I feel as an individual? How do I feel with the way I am relating to friends and community? How can I relate to myself and the group that FEELS the best for me? Grace and ease are called for here. Grace and ease amidst many ideas, vibrations and possible outcomes. Rest, reflect, laugh, join, retreat, relax, retreat. In your own timing. Lots of love, Lydia [email protected]
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