We have a new Moon and Solar Eclipse onApril 30 10:28 AM EST at 10 degrees 28 minutes Taurus. There will be a Lunar eclipse at the Scorpio Full Moon on 15 May. Eclipse cycles occur twice a year and they start in motion energies for at least the next six months. In this case the energy we kick off is… Safety, security and beauty. Steadfastness. Decisions made and stuck to. Fixed signs can go the distance. A delicious, familiar meal. A favorite pair of flannel pj bottoms. The view out the window of the flowers making their way up from the soil toward the Sun and my line of sight. Taurus does like to rest and take in the view. It likes to identify the variety of fragrances wafting by on a breeze. When a thorn sticks in its back side, however, Taurus will move quickly and decisively to remove it and dress the wound. Taurus wants to protect the beauty, the fragrance, and even the thorn. It values the taste of the familiar meal, the feel of the well worn flannel pj bottoms, the sting of the thorn. While it may have its habits, Taurus knows what it likes and LOVES what it likes. When love is expressed, the value is seen in the object, the relationship, the experience. These are all part of the journey of existence. Seeing, feeling, enjoying. With a new Moon in Venus-ruled Taurus we can be lead along on our path by taking the time to identify what is appreciated- in the world around us and very importantly in the Self. At this Taurus New Moon Eclipse Venus is conjunct Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Neptune is in its home sign of Pisces and is conjunct expansive and optimistic Jupiter. We are getting a MASSIVE supercharged new beginning booster rocket to the inner realms, to multidimensionality, and to the place where our dreams are so big and visible we can reach out and touch them. We connect through appreciation, beauty, the natural world, creativity and love in all of its expressions. Connecting and believing we are each a drop in the ocean and a flower in the field of blooms, experiencing the unity of being both our true Selves and One with everything. We go beyond duality to the dimension of spirit, led on the path by the heart. This is real and to be actively invited and experienced at this time. Knowing what and how to Value – in the Self and in the experiences, substances, and relationships of life is a big part of the Taurean energy. It is a fixed sign. It doesn’t move as fast as Cardinal Aries. It may not shift as fast a Mutable Gemini. It uses its senses to tune into surroundings, ideas and plans. In a natural square to Leo it wants to continue creating itself. In the natural opposition to Scorpio it will consider the value in the Self and the Other and learn appreciation of both. In the natural square to Aquarius it can be open to wild ideas and shifts in consciousness. All are passed through the vibe check of the senses. Taurus knows how to operate in survival mode. When the storm has passed, it may need to be coaxed out of its refuge. The best way to lure Taurus from its safe refuge is appealing to its senses: fragrant herbs and flowers, a roll down the grassy hill, a trip to a sculpture garden. Food. With the Taurus new Moon making an easeful Sextile to Mars in Pisces we may be lured out by a dreamy landscape or by the prospect of fulfilling a dream or vision. Pluto, the power center, is starting a retrograde cycle on the day of this new Moon at 28 minute 36 degrees Capricorn. Secrets about the structures of our own lives and the lives of our nations will be revealed in the coming months. As we connect to beauty and the All that Is, we can connect with the depths of our own personal power centers in the quiet world of our innermost being. It is time to connect with that unique power center each of us has, and to invite it to reveal what the best embodiment- first – and expression – second – of that power can be. For real. The time is now and each of us is the One. To deepen the inner connection, Mercury embarks on a retrograde cycle from Gemini back into Taurus from May 10 to June 3. The inner voice will speak. The inner yearning for a convo about love, beauty and what matters most will grab our hearts and squeeze til we respond. Hand on heart. Mind and heart. Love yourself. It all begins. Again. Here. Now. New Moon. New Beginning that eclipses all of the old beginnings. It’s all here for us to move into the experience. Love ya! Lydia💜 [email protected] www.soulastro.com
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